Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemedicine not to offer consultations but to offer treatment at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine. This is a case treated with Tele-Acupuncture showing what can be expected with this treatment method. A woman in 70s was complaining about the pain in her right shoulder. When she walked the dog, the dog suddenly pulled the leash held with her right hand and she fell down and hurt her right shoulder. She felt pain when she lifted up her right arm to 60 degrees in front, but there was no limited range of motion. First, I scanned and regulated the center line of her body, asking her to sit facing me, and then asked her to check her right shoulder. There was not much change about the pain. Next, I scanned and regulated both sides of her body from chest to lower abdomen to balance her internal organs, and then asked her to check her shoulder. Still there was not much change. Next, I focused on her right chest, shoulder and neck area and asked her to check. It seemed a little better. Next, I focused on her back where is the area between shoulder blades from the front and asked her to check again. She moved her shoulder over and over again and told me that her right shoulder got much better with a wondering face. I know it's only natural, but where to treat to improve the problems is the same in both Acupuncture at the clinic and Tele-Acupuncture. Book and try the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment
For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE!
Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemedicine not to offer consultations but to offer treatment at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine. The followings are the impressions from the patients who experienced Tele-Acupuncture. 50s Female with stress, neck pain I want to thank you for doing telephone acupuncture on me today . Since we have to adhere to proper social distancing to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, I really appreciate you accommodating me with telephone acupuncture. It really helped me relieve soreness and stiffness that I was having in my neck. It also relieved stress that I have been experiencing at this time. Thanks again! 40s Male with tightness and pain in his neck and upper body I could certainly feel the energy flow as my upper body and neck was very tense and tight on the left side through my trap area. In just a 20 min. session I was more relaxed, I was breathing better and more importantly my neck muscles on the left side started to lengthen as I decompressed. The session was definitely beneficial and I highly recommend it! 60s Female with stress, dryness and pain in her eyes I thought today’s tele-Acupuncture session went well. I didn’t know what to expect, so I was a little anxious at first. Since I am very open to the healing effects of acupuncture and qigong, I’m not sure from just one session if the calmness I felt was indeed from tele-acupuncture. I did notice, though, after returning from a three mile walk, I did not have to put eye drops in my eyes. Also, my mood has improved. 40s Female with neck pain During my session, my body became more relaxed, easing my pain. The Tele-Acupuncture allowed me to practice mindfulness in my own home while receiving my treatment. After my treatment, I noticed my shoulder and chest had improved including my flexibility in my neck. Book now and confirm the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment
For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE! Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemedicine not to offer consultations but to offer treatment at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine. This is a case treated with Tele-Acupuncture showing what is expected with this treatment method. The patient was a man in 80s who had had acute high blood pressure due to heart problems. His blood pressure lowered and became stable and there were no symptoms related to his chest. This time his complaints were limited range of motion in his left shoulder and pain in his left ankle. When he tried to bring his left arm behind his back, his shoulder hurt and couldn’t bring his arm behind his back at all. First, I scanned and regulated the energy starting from the center line and then both sides of his torso, having him sit facing to me. I asked him to check his shoulder. The range of motion of his shoulder got a little better. I scanned and treated around his neck and shoulder and then between the shoulder blades concentrating my focus deep in his body. I asked him to check his shoulder again. The range of motion got much improved and he could bring his left arm behind his back as far as his right arm. Next, I asked him where he felt pain in his ankle. He said it didn’t hurt with movements at that time, but hurt outside of his left ankle when he pressed with his finger. I asked him to show me his left leg and ankle, putting his left foot on the chair. I scanned from his left knee to his foot and removed the energy from where the energy was stagnated and supplied energy to where was needed. I asked him to press around his left ankle where he felt pain before. Since he couldn’t find painful points, I finished the session at this point. Book and try the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment
For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE! Tele-Acupuncture is Telemedicine to treat patients at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine. The most important advantage in this situation is You can avoid the chance of infection and still get treatment to reduce pain, tightness or any uncomfortable feeling. Please check the cases treated with Tele-Acupuncture from the following links. [CASE] Pain in Right Neck to Right Chest [CASE] Acute High Blood Pressure (more than 200) [CASE] 4 Cases Treated with Tele-Acupuncture You don’t need to travel. You can save money on gas, parking, and public transportation, and you don’t waste time traveling or risk running into a traffic jam that makes you late for your appointment, or more importantly, when you feel sick and can’t go out, you can have treatment at home. . You don’t need to take time off of work. You can schedule your appointment during a break, or before or after work. You don’t need to worry about child or elderly care issues. Many of us have the responsibility for caring for children or older adults. Finding alternative care to visit the clinic can be difficult and expensive. Bringing them along can be stressful or impractical. Tele-Acupuncture solves this challenge by allowing you to have treatment while upholding your family responsibilities. You can sleep right after the treatment. There are patients who want to sleep after the treatment. If you are at home, you can sleep right after the treatment as much as you need. You can have treatment wherever you are. You can have treatment anywhere if you have your device and the Internet connection. You can be opposite sides of the earth for traveling. Book and try the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment
For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE! Tele-Acupuncture is Telemedicine to treat patients at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine.
This treatment method doesn't need some kind of supernatural power special ability because Tele-Acupuncture is scientific treatment method which requires visual information through the screen of video. If you are an acupuncturist who practice a style of acupuncture that always uses pulse diagnosis or other muscle tests, the treatment method could be naturally used at the clinic. Tele-Acupuncture is Scientific Long Distance Treatment because... All of our body parts have its own frequency (vibration) like the frequency of the muscle is 80 Hz, the frequency of the bone is 20 Hz. When the frequency of the body part is too high or too low, the body part is not in healthy condition. The frequency of the body part can be detected by our eyes, which are the most sensitive sensory organs, through the screen. If we receive the unhealthy frequency through our eyes, that can distort our body. Actually and surprisingly the unhealthy frequency changes the shape of our body, leading to weaker muscle strength. I scan the body with my eyes, detect the body part with unhealthy frequency, recognize the distortion in my body and improve the frequency with finger-needles through the screen. So as long as I can see you over the screen, the distance doesn't matter. Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemidicine and scientific long distance treatment using visual information and the theory of Acupuncture medicine.
Tele-Acupuncture provides you with not only consultation like advising you what to do or what to eat provided by Telemedicine or Telehealth, but also treatment at a distance using visual information. This treatment method is not some kind of supernatural power but scientific treatment method. That means everybody can do it if they learn the method. Because this is not psychic stuff, it is necessary to have visual information to diagnose and treat. Tele-Acupuncture involves two parts: Scan and Treatment Scan: When I scan your body, I use my eyes. When my eyes come to unhealthy area of your body, my body receive the energy and gets affected by that like my muscle becomes tight. I use this information to decide where to treat. Treatment: Treatment has 3 sections. Regulating 7 Chakras Chakras are the main energy centers of the body and important acupuncture points. So when I directly treat patients in my clinic, I start with releasing this center line first. When Chakras are too open or too closed, that affects the body parts around the related Chakras. For example, if the 4th Chakra which is located on your chest is too closed or too open, you could have lung problems or heart problems. So Tele-Acupuncture balances the opening and closing of 7 Chakras first. Only by this treatment, some of the pain and/or tightness often disappears. Regulating Internal Organs After regulating 7 Chakras, I scan and treat the internal organs which are located in the both sides of the center line. This concept is the same as acupuncture. When you have any healthy issues like low back pain or neck pain, it can be caused by the problem of organs' energy. Unblocking stagnated energy I scan the body including the area where you have pain or other health issues and remove stagnated energy or supply energy to improve the flow of the energy in the area, leading to relieving pain, tightness or uncomfortable feeling. This treatment method is performed through video chat, using the method used at the clinic when I usually diagnose, decide acupuncture points to treat. The differences between Tele-Acupuncture and Acupuncture at the clinic In Tele-Acupuncture, I use my eyes instead of hands to scan the body and I use finger-needles instead of needles to treat. In the sense of removing stagnated energy and supplying required energy, Tele-Acupuncture is the same as Acupuncture at the clinic. Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemidicine that is scientific long distance treatment using visual information and the theory of Acupuncture medicine. The following is a case of Tele-Acupuncture treatment. A woman in her 40s was complaining about the pain in her right neck and shoulder area to her right chest when she moved her neck since 5 days ago. First, I asked her to move her neck. When she turned her neck to the right, looked down and tilted her head to both sides, she felt pain in her right shoulder to her right chest. I scanned and regulated the energy on the center line of her body with finger-needles through the screen, while she was sitting on a chair, facing to me. Then I asked her to check if she still felt pain by moving her neck. She said she still felt pain when she tilt her head to the right. So this time I scanned and regulated the energy on her right side from the neck to lower abdomen and then on her left side. I asked her to check again and she didn’t feel any pain around her right shoulder to her right chest when she tilted her head to the right. At this point, there were no pain, but I asked her to turn around and show her back to me. I scanned the center line and both sides of her back and regulated the energy, especially around her low back to buttocks because she told me she had had pain in her right hip to leg the day before this session, though there was no pain at the time of the session. 2 days later she had the second session. She still felt tightness on her right shoulder to upper back with turning and tilting her head to the right, though pain in her right chest disappeared. So I did the same treatment. When I finished the treatment on her front side, the tightness from her right shoulder to her upper back with the movement of her neck was already gone. I also scanned and regulated the energy on her back and finished the course of Tele-Acupuncture treatment for the pain in her right neck, shoulder and chest. Book and try the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE! |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024