When the intestines don’t work well, wastes and toxins are not discharged properly, and necessary nutrition is not absorbed. 70% of lymphocytes that control the immune system exist in the intestines. Having a trouble with the intestines lowers the immunity and causes various diseases.
To reduce the burden on the intestines, the most important thing is chewing well. Additionally, secreting saliva is also important. Secreting saliva helps the digestion and reduces the burden on the stomach and intestines. Saliva also contains immune substance harmonizing the hormone balance and has bactericidal action. Saliva is secreted by chewing well, but to secrete more saliva, it is good to massage the following salivary glands. (1) Subaural glands located below the ear lobe (2) Submandibular gland located below the jaw (3) Sublingual gland located below the tongue (4) Between Submandibular gland and Sublingual gland (4) is not a gland but it is the most effective and saliva spouts out like a shower. You can massage these areas as often as you like.
If you feel like you haven’t gotten rid of the fatigue accumulated lately, you tend to get sick when the seasons change, or my appetite is less than before, you may have a weakened immune system.
Immune strength is an indicator of the activity that immune cells defeat the enemies invading our body. So if your immune system is strong, you can maintain your health forever. But immune strength lowers with age. The immune strength at the age of 70s reduces by half the strength of 20s. That makes you not able to defeat the enemies occurring in the body. As a result, you tend to have cancer or you may have serious pneumonia only by food entering the air tube. An organ important to strengthen immune system That is intestines. Half of the immune cells are created in the intestines. There are the large intestine and the small intestine, but the organ more important for the immune system is the small intestine. The key of immune strength is small intestinal villi which are small, finger-like projections that extend into the lumen of the small intestine. If you have long and busy intestinal villi, your immune system is strong, but if you have short and scattered intestinal villi, your immune system is weak (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2). In an experiment, people who were diagnosed as having long and busy intestinal villi by a blood test had more active NK cells than the referenced value, which indicate the activity of immune system. On the other hand, people who were diagnosed as having short and scattered intestinal villi had less active NK cells than the referenced value. The major role of the small intestine is absorbing nutrition from what you eat, but another important role is the function as immune system. When you eat something, toxins and germs with food get into the small intestine. The immune system of the small intestine prevents them from invading the body. Fig. 3 shows immune cells in villi. These immune cells kill the things trying to invade the body such as germs, pathogenic bacteria. The area of the inside of the small intestine is about 200 square meter (2153 square feet), which is equal to a tennis court. All this area contains immune cells. In the small intestine, there are about 60 % of immune cells in the body, which are more than a few hundred billion. How to make intestinal villi long and busy Intestinal villi are lost or shortened due to aging, but they can be busy by taking a specific nutrition. The nutrition making intestinal villi busy and immune system strengthened is protein. Glutamine acid contained in protein is effective to activate the small intestine. Glutamine acid is considered as extending the shortened intestinal villi and increasing the decreased intestinal villi. Experiment A 70 years old woman whose intestinal villi’s condition was 43.9 (Referenced value: 45) and NK activation representing immune strength was 3.3 (Referenced value: 8.9) tried to eat more protein by adding some protein-contained food such as cheese, eggs, fishes, meats, Tofu to her usual meals for 5 days. After the experiment, her intestinal villi’s condition was improved to 61 (Before: 43.9) and NK activation was improved to 3.6 (Before: 3.3). Part 1
Body Temperature And Strength of Immune System Before you read below, please check your body temperature. How was that? If your body temperature is lower than 97 degrees F, it is considered as low body temperature. Simply speaking, if your body temperature is low, you are in a condition of disease or your immune power is weak, that is, you easily get sick. On the contrary, if your body temperature is high, your immune power is strong, that is, you don’t get sick easily. So how can we raise our body temperature? 1.1 Low Body Temperature There is a similarity among many people who have chronic diseases. It’s that their body temperature is low. Please try to check your body temperature. If it is less than 96.8 degrees F (36 degrees C), then your body temperature is too low. If your body temperature is low, this means that your immune function is not strong enough, and this results in an internal environment which easily becomes imbalanced and gets sick. I will talk about the details of this in the next section. Here I would like to introduce something you can do at home to improve your low body temperature - taking a bath. Bathing makes your blood circulation better and your body temperature higher, resulting in the strengthening of your immune power.
Every cell has antenna (Fig. 1). If the antenna is normal, our body is protected from diseases by strong immune system. But the antenna is abnormal, the immune system becomes weak, leading to diseases.
The research of the antenna of the cell is attracting attention. Various governments put a lot of budget on this research. For example, Tami flu which is an antiviral drug is a drug to control the antenna of the cell, protecting the body from virus. It is reported that the activation of the antenna of the cell suppressed the metastasis of cancer cells. The antenna of the cell is officially called Sugar Chain. Sugar has a few kinds and combination of sugar makes white sugar and carbohydrate. Sugar chain is what 8 kinds of sugar are combined. Sugar chain plays an important role of the function of the immune system In our body, a few thousands of cancer cells are produced every day, but immune cells kill these cancer cells. The immune cells also kill the pathogens from outside such as virus or bacteria. How to strengthen the immune system has been considered raising the offensive power of the immune cells so far. These day strengthening the antenna of the cell, sugar chain, is considered strengthening the immune system. On the contrary, the weakness of the antenna of the cell leads to the weakness of the immune system. The difference of the immune system strength between 20s and 60s Experiment: Collecting immune cells from the blood, it is compared how the immune cells battle against bacteria when the immune cells are put into the bacteria. The bacteria their immune cells battle against is pneumococcus which increases to more than one million within 10 hours. The immune cells of 20s female quickly eats pneumococcus, moving around. One hour later, about 3000 pneumococcus decreased by 40 %. This is the condition that the antenna of the cell is active. On the other hand, the immune cells of 63 years old female are slow in the movement and don’t eat the bacteria very much. One hour later, about 3000 pneumococcus barely decreased. This is the condition that the antenna of the cell is not working. According to the latest research, the lowering of immune strength is not that the strength of immune cells becomes weak and unable to eat external pathogens quickly, but the lowering of immune strength is caused by the immune cells not reacting to the external pathogens. Why do the immune cells not react to the external pathogens? If the antenna of the cell doesn’t work very well, the immune cells can’t find the external pathogens. The antenna of the cell plays a role to find foreign substance at first such as cancer cells or viruses. Usually when bacteria invade our body, there is no immune cells at the place where was invaded by the bacteria. There are only normal cells, but the normal cells also have the antenna, so they can detect the invasion of the bacteria. When the cell detects the danger, the cell transmits a signal to the cells around. The cells receiving the signal to the cells around. This process is repeated and the signal is transmitted to the immune cells in the bone or lymph. Once the immune cell receives the signal, the immune cell quickly goes to the site of bacteria and removes them (Fig. 2). But the antenna is like a hair. The number of antenna decreases with age. The antenna of the cell not only decreases but also becomes short. That makes difficult to receive the information of danger. That is why even if the immune cells are strong, they can’t detect and remove foreign substance. But there is food that makes the shortened antenna long again! Sugar chain (antenna of the cell) has to be a certain level of length to keep the immune strength. According to the recent research, most people who were 100 years old and over had long sugar chain. Therefore, keeping the antenna of the cell long leads to healthy and long life. All young people have long sugar chain? Even if the age is young, people with stress, smoking or lack of sleep can have short sugar chain. Young people who often catch a cold can have short sugar chain. Is it possible to make the shortened sugar chain long again? It has turned out that shortened sugar chain can become long again. It is important to intake sugar which becomes the material of sugar chain with meals. Supplying sugar with meals can make the sugar chain longer, resulting in stronger immune system. What is the food making the antenna longer? That is EBN. EBN (Edible Bird’s Nest) is a swallow’s nest. Why can a swallow’s nest extend sugar chain and raise the immune strength? Because it contains Sialic Acid which is a kind of sugar composing the antenna of the cell and receives various information at the tip of the antenna (Fig. 3). Sialic acid decreases with age, shortening the antenna and lowering the ability to detect enemies. But if you eat a swallow’s nest rich in sialic acid, sialic acid is absorbed in the small intestine, is delivered to the whole body, reaches the antenna of the cell and attaches the tip of the shortened antenna. Attached sialic acid extends the antenna and makes the ability to detect enemies better. That makes immune cells react to enemies more quickly. Is sialic acid contained in only swallow’s nest? Sialic acid was originally found in submaxillary gland of a cow. Human’s saliva contains a small amount of sialic acid which is a few hundredth to a few thousandth of a swallow’s nest. But a swallow’s nest is too expensive to eat every day and it has not been researched that what ingredient contains how much sialic acid. The mammals also obtain immune substances including sialic acid from placenta and mother’s milk. The following ingredients were analyzed for the amount of sialic acid. Group A (nutrition given from parents to children) Milk, honey Group B (eggs receiving nutrition from parents) Cod roe, salmon roe, capelin with roe, hen’s egg Group C (meat) Chicken thigh, chicken’s skin, beef tongue, lean beef, pork butt Which ingredients contain sialic acid as much as a cup of swallow’s nest soup? A cup of swallow’s nest soup (about $50) contains 200 mg of sialic acid. Number 3: 2 bags of Cod roe contains 180 mg of sialic acid Number 2: 4 pieces of eggs contains 227mg of sialic acid Number 1: 2 pieces of capelin with roe contain 197 mg of sialic acid (Fig. 4) Eggs are cells containing a lot of sugar chain whose tip is sialic acid. Eggs grow outside of mother’s body so they are easy to be exposed to the enemies. That is why eggs are surrounded by a lot of sialic acid detecting the enemies. If you think your immune system is weak or you catch a cold easily, please try to eat the above 3 ingredients more.
Q1. When you eat noodle soup, which is better to strengthen your immune system? (A) Eating noodle first (B) Drinking soup first A1. (B) Drinking soup first It is better to drink a few spoons of noodle first. Because stomach is the entrance of the directional system, warming stomach keeps the ability of digestion and absorption. Q2. Which is better to strengthen your immune system? (A) Kissing your partner or spouse (B) quarreling with your partner or spouse A2. (A) Kissing your partner or spouse According to a research in the Netherlands, about 10 seconds kiss gives you bacteria you don’t have, your body produces new antibody, and your immune system is strengthened. In the body of healthy people, about 3000 to 4000 of cancer cells are developed every day. But most people don’t develop cancer because immune cells kill the cancer cells every day. To strengthen immune system, it is important to (1) Strengthen the function of immune cells (2) Increase immune cells The cause that immune system becomes weak in summer is the coldness of the intestines. 60 % of immune cells in the whole body gathers in the intestines. It is hot in summer so people tend to eat cold food a lot. That makes the intestines cold, leading to the decline of the function of immune cells. To strengthen immune system, it is efficient to intake vitamin E and Beta-carotene. The strongest vegetable to strengthen immune system in summer is green perilla which is rich in both vitamin E and Beta-carotene. The best season of green perilla is from June to September. A recommended dish is fried green perilla and carrot. Cutting green perilla in fine pieces strengthens the antioxidant effect. Cooking with oil elevates the absorption of Beta-carotene into the body. Also refer to Summer Vegetables Really Good for Our Health - Green Perilla Jew’s Mallow (Nalta jute or tossa jute) Jew’s mallow is called the king of vegetables. Calcium contained in Jew’s mallow removes lassitude and irritation Jew’s mallow is rich in calcium as shown in Fig. 7. When calcium goes into nerve cells, substance stabilizing our mental state, which is called GAVA is secreted. Q8. Which cooking method can enrich the nutrition of Jew’s mallow most? (Fig. 8) (A) Shortly boiled Jew’s mallow (B) Soup of Jew’s mallow cut into fine pieces A8. (B) Soup of Jew’s mallow cut into fine pieces Cutting Jew’s mallow into pieces increases mucin which is sticky component. The sticky component harmonizes the environment of the intestines, strengthening immune system. Grape tomato
Prevent summer cold with grape tomato containing 3 times more lycopene than normal tomato! Normal Tomato (100 g) Grape Tomato (100 g) Lycopene 30.3 mg 91.9 mg Carotene 540 mg 960 mg Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 0.05 mg Dietary Fiber 1.0 mg 1.4 mg Vitamin C 15 mg 32 mg Lycopene has strong antioxidant effect. Oxidization is rusting of the body. Lycopene prevent the body from rusting. Oxidization is loss of electron and lycopene eats substances which steal electrons. Lycopene has effect to suppress development of cancer. According to a research in Harvard university and others, people taking a lot of lycopene has less risk of development of prostate cancer compared to people taking a little. Dietary fiber contained a lot in grape tomato is not only good for constipation but also good to strengthen immune system. Q3. Which can enrich nutrition of grape tomato most? (A) Eat after chopping (B) Eat as it is A3. (A) Eat after chopping The skin of grape tomato is thick. Chopping grape tomato makes nutrition easy to be absorbed. The cell wall is damaged by chopping and nutrition comes out. That makes the nutrition easy to be absorbed. Q4. Which can enrich the nutrition of grape tomato most? (A) Salt (B) Olive oil A4. (B) Olive oil Lycopene is oil soluble and is absorbed easily when eating with oil. It is recommended to mix grape tomato with olive oil after chopping because olive oil coats the nutrition preventing oxidization. Lycopene is absorbed in the small intestine. Coating of olive oil protects lycopene from stomach acid. Store Tomato in Room temperature Tomato is originally grown in warm countries, so it is better to store them in room temperature. Storing in room temperature makes tomato more mature, making them sweeter and more nutritious. It is recommended to store in room temperature for 2 to 3 days in summer and for about 7 days in winter. Boost Up Immune System
Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) contains a lot of vitamin E and carotenoid which elevate the activity of immune cells. Vitamin E in Komatsuna is 9 times more than cabbage which is also said to boost up the immune system and carotenoid in Komatsuna is 60 times more than cabbage. Komatsuna also contains isothiocyanate a lot, which increases the number of immune cells. Isothiocyanate is only found in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, daikon or cauliflower. Isothiocyanate is weak at heat so it is more effective to eat them raw. When the vegetable is cut into small pieces, more isothiocyanate is produced. So smoothie is recommended. Blend Komatsuna (50 grams), apple (a half) and water (100 cc) for 2 persons. Another recommended recipe is pickled Komatsuna. Mix Komatsuna (1 stem) with salt (appropriate amount), sugar (1 tea spoon), vinegar (1 tea spoon), kelp (appropriate amount) and red pepper (appropriate amount). Eating 1 stem of komatsuna (50 grams) a day is effective. It is important to eat every day continuously because nutrition doesn’t remain in the body. It is good to eat other kinds of cruciferous vegetables not to become tired of eating them. It is said that eating yogurt is good to harmonize the environment of the intestines and to strengthen the immune system. What is necessary to know when you eat yogurt?
Eat 300 grams (11 oz) per day To increase good bacteria in the intestines by eating yogurt, 300 grams of yogurt is necessary to eat a day. So it is recommended to eat yogurt not only once a day but a few times a day. Eat after meals Before meals, the stomach acid is strong so if you eat yogurt before meals, lactic acid bacteria in yogurt die. Change the brands of yogurt every month It takes about 2 weeks to 1 month to harmonize the environment of the intestines so it is good to keep eating the same yogurt for 2 weeks to 1 month. But once the environment is harmonized, the bacteria become inactive. To activate the function of bacteria, it is good to add new kinds of bacteria by changing the brands of yogurt. |
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April 2024