This is a self-care method to relieve your stress or anxiety by reducing stress in your brain. You can do this on your family, too. Please try once a day or whenever you feel stressful or anxious. Please watch this video by clicking SELF-CARE 2. Please try the following as well. Let's Relieve Broken Heart Syndrome caused by Stress due to COVID-19
4th: Chosen by 12 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Stress, Anxious Feeling and Insomnia Pressing PC10 (Pericardium 10) calms the autonomic nervous system and is effective for various symptoms caused by tiredness of your heart. Location of PC10 PC10 is located between the tip of index finger and the tip of the middle finger when you clench your hand (Fig. 1). How to press PC10 (1) Press PC10 with the thumb of another hand (Fig. 2). (2) Press the point toward the tip of fingers for 10 seconds (Fig. 3). Pressing PC10 works instantly, so try pressing the point when you feel irritated. What is the function of Calcium?
Calcium doesn’t only form bones but it is super nutrition necessary for us to live. It has turned out that it is effective to improve various diseases. Unexpected functions of calcium are controlling the muscles, regulating the movement of the heart and transmitting all the information in the brain such as sad, happy, painful or delicious. 3 diseases which are high blood pressure, stress and cancer can be improved by the effect of calcium. A person whose weight is 50 Kg has about 1 Kg of calcium. 99 % of 1 Kg is bones and teeth and remaining 1 % exists all over the body playing very important roles. Calcium is a kind of metal or mineral taken from the soil of the earth. If you take sufficient calcium, there is a possibility that you can lower your blood pressure without restricting salt strictly. In an experiment, 4 people whose blood pressures were higher than the guide line drank a glass of milk every meal and the movement of their blood pressures lowered down throughout a day compared to when they didn’t drink a glass of milk every meal. Blood pressure is usually low in the morning, gradually goes up, reaches its peak during the daytime and goes down at night. The blood pressure of people who take too much salt doesn’t go down at night, causing high blood pressure at night. But their blood pressures went down clearly. To lower blood pressure at night, it is necessary to remove salt from the body. So there is a possibility that calcium promoted the kidneys to discharge salt. High blood pressure at night raises the risk of stroke and dementia. There is a research result that high blood pressure at night raises the risk of stroke (cerebral infarction) 3 times more. How much calcium should be taken to improve high blood pressure? A glass of milk (200 cc) contains about 220 mg of calcium. If you want to take the same amount of calcium, 1-1/2 table spoon (3 g) of dried shrimp contains 213 mg of calcium. 2 pieces of processed cheese contains 226 mg of calcium. 2 cups of yogurt contains 240 mg of calcium. ¾ piece of tofu contains 194 mg of calcium. 4 pieces of capelin (a small fish) contain The most efficient food to take calcium is milk. It is difficult to absorb calcium and most calcium is discharged with fibers. Milk has high ratio of absorption compared to the other food, but it is better to take calcium eating in good balance. If you age is more than 30 years old, the recommended amount of calcium a day is about more than 650 to 700 mg for men and 650 mg for women. So if you drink 3 glasses of milk, it becomes about 660 mg of calcium. Relationship between Irritation and calcium Calcium is an important substance to transmit information in the brain. Lack of calcium causes a failure of transmitting information, resulting in irritation. Therefore, if you take sufficient calcium, the activity of the nerves becomes smooth and irritation can be solved. Relationship between cancer and calcium According to the newest research, it was found out that calcium caught carcinogen (a substance that tends to produce cancer) and discharged it to the outside of the body. Cancer that calcium is expected to prevent most is colon cancer. Colon cancer is a disease that mainly a benign tumor becomes cancerous by stimulation of carcinogen. Recommended Breathing Method for each situation When you can’t fall asleep… Pursed lips breathing is recommended. Breathe in from your nose for 1 to 2 seconds and breathe out from your mouth, pursing up your lips for 4 seconds. Breathing out slowly switches on the parasympathetic nerve which relaxes your body so you can fall asleep more easily. When you feel like you are catching a cold… Steamed hot towel breathing is recommended. Place a steamed hot towel on your face and breathe from your nose for at least 30 seconds. This breathing method moisturizes the mucus membrane of your nose and throat, leading to the improvement of your immune strength. (Fig. 4) When you are nervous… One Two Breathing is recommended. When we are nervous, the amount of breathing in is large and our body tends to become a little hyperventilated. That mean when we are nervous, breathing becomes fast, and inhale and exhale become the same length, so if you consciously breathe in for 1 second and breathe out for 2 seconds, your breathing easily goes back to the normal state and you can be relaxed. Breathing out slowly helps the secretion of acetylcholine which calms down the pulse and you can be relaxed gradually. Sleep Apnea Syndrome If you breathe from your mouth, your tongue goes down, narrowing your throat. The noise of snoring is caused when the air goes through the narrowed throat, so if you sore very loudly, your throat must be narrowed. If the throat gets narrower, your breathing stops. (Fig. 5) Fig. 6 shows that after 7 breathing, breathing stops for 1 minutes, breathing starts again because it feels difficult and breathing stops for 1 minutes again. This condition makes oxygen difficult go to the brain and heart, and when breathing starts again, blood pressure goes up to about 180 (mmHg), so the risk of sudden death, angina, heart attack and stroke becomes about 2 to 4 times. Since oxygen doesn’t go to the brain, it is considered to be related to cognitive impairment (dementia). Prevention of Sleep Apnea Syndrome Use a low pillow. If you use a high pillow, the respiratory tract (airway) is blocked, but if you use a low pillow, you can keep the respiratory tract open and breathe easily. Sleeping on your side is also a good method. |
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April 2024