![]() If you sleep less than 5 hours, the risk for onset of diabetes will be about 5 times. The risk for onset of diabetes of people whose average sleeping time is less than 5 hours is about 5.4 times compared to people whose average sleeping time is more than 7 hours. Lack of sleep increases the secretion of a hormone which raises blood sugar, and also lack of sleep decreases the function of insulin. As a result, the risk to have diabetes becomes higher. To prevent diabetes, it is better to sleep more than 7 hours. Who has sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is considered as the condition that fat people tend to have, but women aged late 40s or above who have sleep apnea are increasing. Women tend not to have sleep apnea compared to men because progesterone which is a female hormone to help breathing is secreted. After late 40s, the secretion of the hormone decreases, and the muscles around neck and throat tend to become loose due to aging, leading to narrow air way. The risk of sleep apnea increases about 3 times. Miso soup in the morning improves your sleep? It is important to take a substance of Tryptophan to sleep well at night. Tryptophan is contained a lot in soy beans, daikon radish, spinach, Abra-age (deep fried curd) or pork so it is good to have miso soup with these materials. Why is it good to have miso soup in the morning? Because it takes 15 hours that tryptophan changes to melatonin which is a hormone accelerating sleeping. Having miso soup in the morning is important to sleep soundly. Simple stretch to sleep well (1) Extend one arm and pull the arm with another arm stretching the shoulder blade of extended arm. (Fig. 1) (2) Keep stretching for 10 seconds. (3) Do the same thing for another arm. Stretching around shoulder blades before going to bed leads to good sleep. Sleepiness occurs when the core body temperature goes down. There are a lot of cells raising the core body temperature gathering around shoulder blades. If you do this stretch, the core body temperature goes up once but after that it gradually goes down. So it is recommended to do this stretch 1 hour before going to bed.
![]() Broccoli contains sulforaphane a lot which have actions of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Sulforaphane has anti-cancer effect. Broccoli sprouts has concentrated sulforaphane which is more than 7 times as much as broccoli. It is good to eat it raw. Other foods effective to prevent cancer are: (1) Garlic Eespecially black garlic which is aged garlic includes the substance suppressing the increase of cancer cells and the amount of the substance is 8 times as much as regular garlic. It is effective to eat a few pieces a day. (2) Adlay Adlay has anti-inflammatory effect and has the substance to suppress the occurrence of cancer cells. It is good to drink 0.5 to 1 quart a day as tea. (3) Soy products Isoflavone included in soy products has the effect to prevent the increase of cancer cells and is effective to prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Other method to prevent cancer is: Saoking in 38 to 39 degrees C (100.4 to 102.2 degrees F) water of bath tub for more than 15 minutes. Soaking in tepid bath relaxes the body, resulting that lymphocytes which prevent cancer cells work actively. Soaking in hot water makes the body tense so soaking in water which enables you to stay more than 15 minutes is suitable. Eating too much beef raises the risk of colon cancer. When eating beef, it is recommended to eat 2 handfuls of cabbage before eating beef and you can get only good substances of beef. Detox tea is recommended for people who have constipation. In early cases, constipation will be improved in 2 weeks. Also losing weight is expected.
Preparation: A tea bag of peppermint, Oligosaccharide, Ginger, Lemon juice (1) Pour 2.5 cups of boiled water into a cup for a bag of peppermint tea. Menthol in peppermint tea has the effect to make it easy to eliminate gas in the abdomen. (2) Keep the cup as it is for 5 to 10 minutes to get the substance of peppermint tea completely. (3) Add a tea spoon of lemon juice. Vitamin C included in lemon juice has the effect to make the function of intestines active. (4) Add a half inch of grated ginger. Ginger has the effect to encourage blood circulation and remove extra water. (5) Add a table spoon of oligosaccharide. Oligosaccharide has the effect to increase good bacteria in the intestines and doesn’t raise blood sugar compared to sugar. (6) Mix it well. You can drink it hot or cold. To improve constipation, it is recommended to drink 1 quart (34 oz.) a day. ![]() Common sore throat in the morning Don’t you have sore throat in the morning? If so, that is caused by dryness. If throat or pharynx becomes dry, mucus protecting those area disappears. As a result, throat becomes sore. There is also a case that it is a sign of the beginning of a cold. Common sore throat in the morning is caused mainly by dryness. It is alleviated by moisturizing throat taking water. Sore throat caused by acid reflux (reflux esophagitis) If sore throat continues without dryness, it can be caused by acid reflux. There is stomach acid in stomach which dissolves foods. Stomach acid should stay in stomach. After eating, stomach acid increases. If you sleep right after eating, stomach fluid flows back to throat causing sore throat. There is esophageal hiatal which prevents the backflow by tightening up of diaphragm, but with age or relaxation by drinking alcohol, it becomes loose. (Fig. 1) Why does acid reflux cause sore throat in the morning? Lying down makes stomach acid easily go up to throat. For about 2 hours after eating, stomach acid is secreted to digest foods so the backflow of stomach acid easily happens. In such condition, if lying down, the level of stomach and throat becomes almost the same so stomach acid easily goes up to throat. As a result, the strong acid hurts throat. To prevent acid reflux, it is better to go to bed at least 2 hours after eating. ![]() Vocal cords are closed when we eat to protect our lungs from foods. Choking and coughing while we are eating are protective reaction. We cough during a meal to cough out foods not to make any foods go into our lungs. The cause of choking and coughing frequently at a meal is “Vocal cords are thin.” Vocal cords are made of muscles and what moves vocal cords is also muscles. So if you don’t use them or with age, they become weak and thin. If vocal cords are normal, they are closed so when you eat foods, the foods are blocked and goes to stomach, but if vocal cords become thin, there is an opening so the foods also go into lungs. When the foods go into lungs, our body tries to get rid of the food from lungs by coughing. If vocal cords become thin, the choking and coughing happen frequently. (Fig. 1) If vocal cords become thin, germs in the mouth flow into lungs with foods. The germs cause inflammation in lungs and the risk of having pneumonia rises. That is why frequent choking and coughing at a meal is dangerous. It is dangerous when the person who was choking and coughing frequently stopped choking and coughing. There is a gate keeper in the bronchial tubes who only allows the air to go through. If there is an invader (foods), the gate keeper drives away the invader by coughing. But after the invader comes over and over again, the gate keeper thinks that they are not bad fellows and let them go into lungs. The number of foods going into lungs mistakenly increases and the bacteria attached to the foods causes pneumonia. (Fig. 2-5) Thinning of vocal cords causes an unpredictable symptom which is “No strength in the body.”
If there is a gap between your vocal cords, when you try to lift a heavy stuff, you can’t force yourself to lift it up. One of the important roles of vocal cords is when you exert yourself, your vocal cords are closed to store the air in your lungs. If your vocal cords are thin, the air leaks out and you can’t exert yourself. To keep vocal cords healthy, overuse is not good but it is important to enjoy conversation properly. How to check whether or not your vocal cords is thin Measure how long you can keep saying “ah” after breathing in deeply. The guide line is if it lasts for 15 seconds for a male and for 12 seconds for a female or not. If you can’t continue for a long time, there is a possibility that vocal cords are thin and there is a gap between vocal cords because it is necessary to use more breath to vibrate vocal cords. How to strengthen your vocal cords (1) Join your palms in front of your chest. (2) Push against each other with your palms at the same time of saying “one”. (3) Repeat this from “one” to “ten”. Strengthening the muscles which move vocal cords and the muscles of vocal cords makes vocal cords thicker and easy to close, and lowering the risk of pneumonia is expected. It is recommended to do this exercise in the morning and evening. Voice is made by the vibration of vocal cords by the air from lungs. Voce becomes hoarse due to overuse of vocal cords. Vocal cords become red and swollen due to too much vibration like hands become red and swollen when clapping them too much. This swelling makes vocal cords difficult to vibrate, leading to hoarse voice.
Vocal cord polyp is something like a blood blister on one side of vocal cords. Blood vessels around vocal cords burst making hematoma there. Vocal cord polyp is not related to laryngeal cancer but the symptoms are both hoarse voice. The cause of common hoarse voice is swelling of vocal cords so to prevent the swelling of vocal cords, moisturizing throat is important. Vocal cords don’t like dryness because they are mucus membrane. Keeping the room at proper humidity is important for vocal cords. In winter, about 1 litter (34 oz.) of water is lost a day by breathing. So it is better to drink a glass of water than to lick a candy because lost water is not made up by licking a candy. Common hoarse voice gets better within a few days. If you have hoarse voice for more than 2 weeks, that can be laryngeal cancer. Cancer in vocal cords mostly doesn’t cure itself and the cancer cells increase making vocal cords heavy, resulting in difficulty of vibration and hoarse voice. Progression of cancer causes symptoms such as pain, difficulty of swallowing but at the beginning, hoarse voice is the only symptom. If hoarse voice continues for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. Page "Cases" was added under Reviews & Cases. Please take a look clicking the following URL.
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https://www.cozyacu.com/practitioner.html ![]() Recommended Breathing Method for each situation When you can’t fall asleep… Pursed lips breathing is recommended. Breathe in from your nose for 1 to 2 seconds and breathe out from your mouth, pursing up your lips for 4 seconds. Breathing out slowly switches on the parasympathetic nerve which relaxes your body so you can fall asleep more easily. When you feel like you are catching a cold… Steamed hot towel breathing is recommended. Place a steamed hot towel on your face and breathe from your nose for at least 30 seconds. This breathing method moisturizes the mucus membrane of your nose and throat, leading to the improvement of your immune strength. (Fig. 4) When you are nervous… One Two Breathing is recommended. When we are nervous, the amount of breathing in is large and our body tends to become a little hyperventilated. That mean when we are nervous, breathing becomes fast, and inhale and exhale become the same length, so if you consciously breathe in for 1 second and breathe out for 2 seconds, your breathing easily goes back to the normal state and you can be relaxed. Breathing out slowly helps the secretion of acetylcholine which calms down the pulse and you can be relaxed gradually. ![]() Sleep Apnea Syndrome If you breathe from your mouth, your tongue goes down, narrowing your throat. The noise of snoring is caused when the air goes through the narrowed throat, so if you sore very loudly, your throat must be narrowed. If the throat gets narrower, your breathing stops. (Fig. 5) Fig. 6 shows that after 7 breathing, breathing stops for 1 minutes, breathing starts again because it feels difficult and breathing stops for 1 minutes again. This condition makes oxygen difficult go to the brain and heart, and when breathing starts again, blood pressure goes up to about 180 (mmHg), so the risk of sudden death, angina, heart attack and stroke becomes about 2 to 4 times. Since oxygen doesn’t go to the brain, it is considered to be related to cognitive impairment (dementia). Prevention of Sleep Apnea Syndrome Use a low pillow. If you use a high pillow, the respiratory tract (airway) is blocked, but if you use a low pillow, you can keep the respiratory tract open and breathe easily. Sleeping on your side is also a good method. |
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April 2024