Japanese AcupunctureThe style of acupuncture practiced in Cozy Acupuncture is called Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. The image of acupuncture is that a lot of needles are inserted into the body and you wait until an acupuncturist comes back to remove the needles. This is basically Chinese style acupuncture. Acupuncture was originated in China more than 2,000 years ago and was transferred to Japan around 1,500 years ago. Since then, Japanese acupuncture has been developed uniquely in Japan.
The bodies of Japanese people who had been living in an island were not as strong as the bodies of Chinese people who had been living in the continent so that strong stimulation was not suitable to the bodies of Japanese people. That made Japanese acupuncture gentler. Also it is very unique that a lot of blind acupuncturists are closely related to the development of Japanese acupuncture. The sensitivity of their fingertips made it possible to connect the subtle changes on the skin to how to diagnose and how to treat with gentle technique. The needles used for the treatment are thinner and the insertion of the needles is shallower or the needles just touch the skin without insertion. The practitioner’s hands move around the body with a needle finding blockages of energy pathways and giving proper technique to each point rhythmically to restore the flow of the pathway. That looks like a musician plays an instrument. |
Cozy Acupuncture
10 Colonial Rd Unit 23 Salem, MA 01970 For questions: 617-584-8703 or [email protected]