Conditions Treatable by AcupunctureAcupuncture is well known for the ability to treat pain such as low back pain, knee pain or neck pain, but it can also treat various medical problems. Because many medical problems are caused by the weakness of self-healing power and acupuncture helps the body to strengthen the self-healing power effectively. Whenever our body receives some kind of stress, our body tries to maintain balance reacting to the stress, but if the self-healing power is not strong enough, our body gets damaged causing pain and/or illnesses. Acupuncture helps strengthening the weakened self-healing power by removing blockages on the energy pathway which causes imbalance in our body. That is why acupuncture can help various kinds of disorders from internal diseases to mental disorders.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of common illnesses including:
Cozy Acupuncture
10 Colonial Rd Unit 23 Salem, MA 01970 For questions: 617-584-8703 or [email protected]