What is Lewy bodies?
Lewy bodies are protein deposits built up in nerve cells of the brain, that is garbage accumulated in the nerve (Fig.1). Lewy bodies can be accumulated in the nerves anywhere in the body. Lewy bodies tend to be accumulated in the temporal lobe of the brain, which creates meaning from what you see and hear. When you see a person, the temporal lobe recognizes what you see as a person. But if Lewy bodies are accumulated in the temporal lobe, when you see a hanger, the temporal lobe can recognize it as a person. This type of a disease is called Lewy body dementia (LBD). Lewy body dementia is the second most dementia after Alzheimer dementia. Initial symptoms of Lewy body dementia are: Visual hallucination (Fig. 2) Shaking and rigidity (Fig. 3) Inability to brush teeth, wear clothes, etc. Changes of physical condition within a day such as sudden spacing-out (Fig. 4) REM sleep behavior disorder is a sleep disorder in which people act out their dreams, involving abnormal behavior such as screaming, shouting, laughing, crying, arm flailing, kicking, punching, choking, and even jumping out of bed (Fig. 5). Parkinson’s disease The most obvious symptom is involuntary shaking of hands and feet. As the disease progresses, balance of the body is not good so that falling occurs easily. All the muscles become rigid, resulting in bedridden 10 years after development of the disease. The cause is considered as that Lewy bodies are accumulated in the brain stem where controls the movement of the body (Fig. 6). In recent years, it has turned out that combined application of medication and exercise improves the condition. To prevent flu, it is important to heighten the strength of the immune system. The substance that heightens the immune strength is lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can be taken from food so that it is called “Immune vitamin”. There is a type of immune cell called macrophage in the body, which eats virus and bacteria invading the body. macrophages are activated by taking lipopolysaccharide, leading to stronger immune system and healthier body. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is effective for seasonal allergies, dementia and cancer in addition to infectious diseases like a flu. The best method to prevent flu by eating food is… Eating brown rice once a day. Why eating brown rice is good? Brown rice has rice bran which is rich in lipopolysaccharide (LPS). A cup of brown rice a day gives you sufficient lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
Is it possible to recover fully from dementia?
There is neither medicine or treatment to recover fully from dementia. But there is a adhesive skin patch which is able to delay the symptoms of dementia. This patch increases acetylcholine, which is a substance transferring the information of nerves, in the brain. Let’s check the risk of dementia
If there are more than 4 clauses applied to you, you need to be careful of dementia. Visual test (1) What are 4 things drawn in Fig. 1? The answer is a wine glass, a pencil, a folk and a bucket. Dementia weakens the spatial ability, causing unable to distinguish these things and recall the name of them. (2) Which is the same graphic as the above graphic within graphics (1) to (3) in Fig. 2? Dementia weakens the ability to recognize 3-dimentional objects. Food to prevent dementia A canned mackerel in brine (Fig. 3) is effective because DHA and EPA contained in blue back fishes protect nerve cells in the brain, leading to the prevention of dementia. A canned mackerel contains DHA and EPA without losing them. Eating a can once every 1 or 2 days is effective. A piece of Camembert cheese a day or 2 glasses of red wine are also effective (Fig. 4). Simple exercise to prevent dementia Snail Exercise: (1) Make your left hand scissors and right hand rock, put your right hand on your left hand and make a snail (Fig. 5 & 6). (2) Make your left hand a rock and right hand scissors and put your left hand on your right hand (Fig. 7). (3) Repeat (1) and (2) rhythmically. If you can repeat this 10 times in a row, you are okay. If you can’t, please train it. Dementia has little objective symptom so that it is important that their family or people around notice their symptoms.
(1) Having stopped watching favorite TV dramas recently. Dementia makes difficult to follow the story of dramas like how many characters there are, the relationship between the characters. Dementia also declines the track of the day of a week, so people with dementia have come not to know what day of the week the TV program is on. (2) Often taking a nap for more than 30 minutes Taking a nap for more than 30 minutes is counted as that you have had deep sleep once. This has a harmful influence to the sleep at night and make it difficult to remove the substance causing dementia, which is stains in the brain. So taking a nap for more than 30 minutes makes the risk of dementia development more than double. But taking a nap for about 15 minutes lowers the risk of dementia development by one fifth, compared to taking no nap. (3) Sometimes rotting the food in the refrigerator. It has drawn an attention lately that at the beginning stage of dementia, the sense of smell is decreased. It was known that there were three types of dementia:
(1) Alzheimer's disease caused by the deposition of amyloid-Beta. (2) Vascular dementia caused by the blockage of brain blood vessels. (3) Dementia with Lewy Bodies by the deposition of lewy bodies. But there is another type of dementia, which is Dementia caused by low blood sugar. Our brain works mainly using sugar as a source of energy, so decreasing the supply of sugar to the brain causes a dramatic fall in cognitive recognition. As a result of that, symptoms of dementia like forgetfulness, difficulty to control emotion appear. The symptoms tend to appear before meals that are the time of low blood sugar. This low blood sugar is caused by the abnormality of the hormone which controls blood sugar so that this type of dementia can be cured by elevating blood sugar by taking medication to elevate blood sugar. According to a study of University of Central Lancashire, when the brains of 10 people who had had Alzheimer’s disease before their death were dissected, a common toxin was discovered from the brains of 4 people.
The toxin is LPS. LPS exist in everybody’s body, but when LPS increases by some reason, inflammation in brain cells or others occurs and the dead brain cells cause dementia. What is the characteristic which increases LPS and heightens the risk of dementia development? People whose LPS has increased emit a distinctive smell from a part of the body. That is halitosis (breath). People whose LPS has increased emit a distinctive gas from the mouth especially when they wake up in the morning. The distinctive smell is a putrid odor like garbage which is the odor of the gas generated when LPS has increased. The number of normal bacteria in the mouth of a healthy person is about 200 billion and if the mouth is not cared, the number is more than one trillion. Some of the bad bacteria such as periodontal disease bacteria emit LPS. What repels LPS? According to a study published in Spain, when honey extract was poured into the cells inflamed by the gas generated by LPS, the inflammation was suppressed by 50 %. The substance which is contained in honey and repels LPS is flavonoid. Flavonoid is mainly contained in plants and has strong antibacterial activity to repel virus and bacteria. There are 4000 kinds of flavonoid such as isoflavone contained in soy, catechin contained in green tea, anthocyanin contained in blueberry. By the latest study, it has turned out that 10 and several kinds of flavonoids contained in honey are especially effective to repel LPS. Flavonoid contained in honey lowers the activity of LPS and restores the cells suppressing the inflammation when going into the body. However, so far the effect of flavonoid contained in honey on human has not been proved yet. Experiment A 78 years old woman whose halitosis was strong (958 (guideline: 26)) and LPS in the blood was 0.004 EU/ml attended the verification. She was feeling that her forgetfulness had been worse lately. She did 2things for 5 days in this experiment. (1) Take a tablespoon of honey at night LPS increases during sleep, so it is effective to take honey at night and a tablespoon of honey is appropriate amount because honey is rich in sugar. (2) Brushing her teeth right after every meal to remove bad bacteria in the mouth After 5 days trial of the above 2 things, her halitosis became 233 from 958 and LPS in the blood became 0.003 EU/ml from 0.004 EU/ml. Her memory was also improved in a test. It is necessary to continue this for a long period of time to see more improvement. According to a study to compare the risk of the development of Alzheimer’s disease between people in India who use a lot of spices in their meals and people in USA who don’t use spices very much in their meals, people in India had one-fourth the development risk of Alzheimer’s disease of people in USA. What is the difference between India and USA? People in India eat curry a lot. Turmeric used to color curry is expected to prevent dementia. Turmeric is rich in Curcumin that is good for the brain function. Curcumin prevents the substance causing dementia from accumulating in the brain. The substance is called amyloid-Beta and the Accumulation of amyloid-Beta kills nerve cells. Fig. 1 is a brain cell of a mouse and all the black dots are amyloid-Beta. Fig. 2 is a Brain cell of a mouse having eaten curcumin every day for 17 months. There is almost no amyloid-beta. It has turned out that curcumin removes amyloid-Beta and prevents amyloid-Beta from accumulating. When does amyloid-Beta start to accumulate from? Amyloid-Beta starts to accumulate from the age of 50s and dementia is developed in their 70s-80s. People of all ages should eat curry to prevent dementia. If you don’t like curry so much, you can add turmeric to your soup or other dishes. The major cause of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) is considered as “Waste” in the brain. Accumulation of the “Waste” in the brain kills the nerve cells, causing dementia.
According to the latest research, it has turned out that dementia can be prevented by removing the “Waste” in the brain. “Waste” in the brain exists even in the brain of young people such as 20s or 30s. The important thing is whether the power to remove the “Waste” in the brain is strong or not. What is “Waste” in the brain? “Waste“ in the brain is protein deposit called amyloid beta-protein (Fig. 1). It is unknown why the accumulation of the “Waste” occurs. According the latest research, it is okay if Amyloid beta-protein can be removed even if they are created in the brain. Amyloid beta is produced in everybody’s brain. The important thing is whether the strength to remove amyloid beta becomes weak or not. The amount of “Waste” in the brain (amyloid beta) of the person who have dementia due to the weakness of the removal strength is 25 times more than the one of a normal person with the same age. What makes the difference of the power to remove the “Waste”? One of the major causes that makes the power to remove amyloid beta worse is related to the movement of a part of the body. Experiment: 18 and 20 years old women attended an experiment. Amyloid beta is produced in everybody’s brain regardless of the age. If the power to remove amyloid beta is strong, amyloid beta is excreted into the blood, so it doesn’t affect the brain function. If the power to remove amyloid beta becomes weak, the amount of amyloid beta in the blood decreases. The amounts of their amyloid beta in the blood are 6.82 and 5.87 (pmol/L) before the experiment. After they spent 10 hours in a comfortable room watching movies, taking a nap, eating anything they liked to eat, the amounts of their amyloid beta in the blood decreased from 6.82 to 1.05 and from 5.87 to 0.74 (pmol/L). That means that their brain became unable to remove amyloid beta. The movement of what part of the body became worse? That is the pulsation of the blood vessel. What is the relationship between the pulsation of the blood vessel and the power to remove amyloid beta? Amyloid beta is produced in the cell and accumulated in the brain. If the blood vessel is pulsated properly, amyloid beta produced in the brain is pushed out of the brain through the blood vessel and excreted from the body. But if the pulsation of the blood vessel becomes weak, amyloid beta stays in the brain and can’t be flowed out of the brain. The cause of lowering the pulsation of the blood vessel is progression of hardening of blood vessels due to bad life habits. How to strengthen the power to remove amyloid beta by heightening the pulsation of the blood vessel Taking a nutrition heightens the pulsation of the blood vessel, strengthening the power to remove amyloid beta. The nutrition is Resveratrol. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol contained in the skin of grapes and peanuts. But at this time it is unknown how much is needed and how effective taking resveratrol is. Experiment: 2 women whose ages were 78 and 69 and who were worrying about their cognitive function attended an experiment. The amounts of their amyloid beta were 1.06 and 1.89 (pmol/L) before the experiment. They ate 10-15 peanuts with the skin a day and 10 minutes walking a day. 78 years old woman: amyloid beta in the blood became 6.89 (pmol/L) in 5 days and brain age became 50s from 80s. 69 years old woman: amyloid beta in the blood became 8.47 (pmol/L) in 2 days. The numbers were improved in a very short time and were better than the young women who attended earlier experiment. Based on this experiment, combination of peanuts with the skin and 10 minutes walking can be expected to improve the power to remove “Waste” in the brain and prevent dementia. |
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April 2024