A patient was complaining about persistent cough which had been continuing for a few weeks.
When I checked his pulse, Lung position was beating strongly so I thought that it was necessary to calm down Lung. As I checked Liver Meridian by light stroke, Liver seemed useful to control Lung so I tonified Liver by tonification of Yang (Eki/Defensive Ki) with Teishin. After the treatment, overall pulse seemed balanced and Lung pulse seemed calmer. At the second treatment, he said his cough was a little better, but when I checked his pulse, Lung position was beating strongly. I couldn't see much improvement in his pulse, compared to the last time. But Liver seemed useful to calm down Lung, so I tonified Liver again as well as the last time. At the third treatment, when I checked his pulse, Lung was beating strongly again. I thought that controlling Lung by tonifying Liver was not enough and I checked Lung Meridian by a little heavier stroke (to check Yin). It seemed useful so I tonified Lung by tonification of Yin (Eiki/Nutritive Ki). Lung pulse became calmer. At the fourth treatment, he said his cough became much less and when I checked his pulse, Lung pulse was calmer so I tonified Lung by tonfication of Yin as well as the last time. At the fifth treatment, his cough was completely gone and his Lung pulse was calm. At the first 2 treatments, I tried to control Lung through Liver but it didn't work well. That would be because there was Ja in Lung, and direct treatment to remove Ja in Lung, which was tonifying Yin, was necessary.
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AS I introduced before, I had an experience that my left foot which had not been improved for more than 2 weeks got better dramatically by the treatment with Shaho-Shin (Dispersion Needle).
Since my left foot got better by the treatment with Shaho-Shin, I have not given any type of treatment to my left foot intentionally because I wanted to know how effective the treatment of Shaho-Shin was. As a result, I have run 5 times since then, but I never had any pain or discomfort during and after the running. We are offering special price $60 (Regular price $80) for Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture until July 31st, 2015. The characters of Japanese style Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture are:
For detailed information about Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, please click LEARN MORE. This is a case of treatment with spreading needle technique of Teishin for Ja Removal. I treated a patient who complained about tightness in the left back. When I checked the length of the legs, there was difference between right and left. The left leg was about half an inch longer than the right leg. I started treatment with Root Treatment. Sometimes after Root Treatment, the length of the legs become even, but this time it didn't. After general back treatment by tonification, I used Teishin for Ja Removal on the area where was remaining tightness to loosen them up. When the patient lay on the back, the length of the legs became even. There was difficulty to open the left hip joint so I added treatment to the left hip and finished the treatment. Usually I add treatment to adjust SI joint at the end of the treatment, but it was not necessary because the length of the legs had already been equal. This is a case treated with Teishin for Ja Removal. This Teishin is usually used with spreading needle technique, but in this case it was used in a different way. The patient came with another main complaint, but at the end of the treatment she told me she had sinus congestion on her left side and that was disturbing her sleep condition. So I picked up Teishin for Ja Removal and placed it at some points on her left cheek and nose area. After such treatment, she said her sinus and nose was opened. Teishin for Ja Removal seems like it can be used like a "chimney" if it is placed where Ki (energy) is stagnated. This is my own experience of use of Shaho-shin. I recently started running and before I received Shaho-shin I had ordered in Japan, I hurt my right ankle. This pain went away after a few treatments with regular Teishin. A few days later I started running again and this time I felt pain in my left ankle instead of right ankle, but I continued running because I thought it was not serious and would go away soon while I was running. But after running, I could barely walk due to the pain. So I treated the ankle with Teishin as well as I had treated my right ankle. I kept treating for about 2 weeks, but the pain didn't go away and it got worse with swelling especially after walking. The pain was not limited at the ankle but spread to the top of the foot so I doubted possibility of fracture, and I even thought it would not get better any more. When I was thinking like that, I received Shaho-shin. I thought that it would not be a good idea to give strong stimulation, but anyway I decided to try Shaho-shin. After the treatment, the pain was less but still there was pain. I continued such treatment for 3 days and on the forth day, the pain was gone. I didn't feel pain even when I walked. The next day I was not sure whether my left foot was as good as I could run, but I tried to run. The result was I didn't have pain during and after running. By such experience, I completely believe the effect of Shaho-shin. I was not sure there was a hairline fracture kind of defect in my left foot since I didn't go to the hospital, but if there was a problem of so-called "the Blood level", I felt that direct approach with Shaho-shin was really effective. This needle is called "Shaho-shin" in Japanese and that means "Needle for dispersion. A tool introduced last time is also used for dispersion. The difference between these two is that this Shaho-shin is used to disperse moving "Blood" directly and the other one is used to disperse moving Ki (Qi).
Shaho-shin is used with the condition that the needle is inside the tube, hitting the head of the needle by the finger. The stimulation is strong but it doesn't penetrate the skin. This needle can be effective for the treatment for fracture, muscle tears, sprain of the joints, hemorrhage, etc. I actually used this needle on my own injury so I will talk about that. This needle is used for dispersion purpose. When we use a needle or Teishin, thinner side of the needle is usually used, but in this needle, only thicker side is used. The special character of this needle is that there is a depression at the tip of the thicker side of the needle though it may not be so clear in this photo. This needle is used for spreading needle technique and seems more effective than using thicker side of regular Teishin I use for other treatments. MMA Vol. 26 What To Do For Pregnancy is added to Home Therapy page in my website.
If there is no physical defect, the infertility is mostly caused by the coldness of the body. If you check your temperature, the temperature should be lower than the normal temperature (97 degrees F or 36 degrees C). In Oriental Medicine this is a condition of weak Kidney energy. So what should you do? Please visit the following URL and find out what to do. http://www.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/8/29085181/mma_vol._26_what_to_do_for_pregnancy.pdf MMA Vol. 6 Relationship between Sugar and Stress is added to Home Therapy page in my website.
I think most people like sweets and so do I. I think most people know sweets are not good for our health. But why? Please visit the following URL and find the reason. http://www.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/8/29085181/mma_vol._6_relationship_between_sugar_and_stress.pdf |
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April 2024