Why is soy milk good for our body?
Soy milk contains more protein than cow’s milk, which produces muscles. Soy isoflavone contained in soy milk is a type of polyphenol and has the effect like female hormone. It is said that excessive secretion of female hormone can be a cause of breast cancer. Soy isoflavone suppresses excessive action of female hormone and lowers the risk of breast cancer. In the case of male, lowering the risk of prostate cancer can be expected. Tofu and other soy products also contain soy isoflavone, but soy milk, which is liquid, has higher digesting and absorbing rates. Soy milk for cooking Soy isoflavone decreases at the temperature of more than 95 degrees C (203 degrees F) and soy protein solidifies at the temperature of more than 60 degrees C (140 degrees F). So it is important not to boil soy milk when you use for cooking. When you cook a soup of soy milk, it is recommended to add Dried Shiitake mushrooms rich in vitamin D and carrots rich in Beta-carotene, which are insufficient in soy milk. According to a recent research, taking 2 kinds of protein (animal and plant protein) at the same time suppresses the contract of the muscle. Soy yogurt Soy yogurt is a fermented product of soy milk. Fermentation reduces green smell, so soy yogurt is easier to eat for people who doesn’t like soy milk. Fermentation also makes the absorbing rate of minerals and isoflavone higher.
Canker sores
In summer, canker sores easily appear because vitamins and minerals are lost due to sweating. But canker sores disappear within 1-2 weeks naturally so that there is not much chance to go to the doctor when you have a cancer sore. However, canker sores could be a sign of an initial symptom of oral cancer. Oral canker can appear in the back of the mouth, on the tongue or other places, and makes a tumor that is similar to a canker sore as an initial symptom. How to distinguish oral cancer from canker sores 1. If canker sores don’t disappear more than 2 weeks, it could be a sign of oral cancer. 2. Canker sores that have no pain could be a sign of oral cancer. Any types of cancers don’t have pain at the initial stage. That is why it is difficult to find cancer at the early stage. It is important to check the inside of your mouth often when you brush your teeth and if you feel any discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor. Fatty liver (Fig. 2) is caused by the repeat of too much eating and drinking.
Fat stored in the liver disturbs a long-healthy life. 20 % of people who had had fatty liver developed type II diabetes within 10 years. Leaving fatty liver as it is makes the risk of stroke and heart attack double. In addition, in the case of men, the risk of developing colon cancer will be double and in the case of women, the risk of developing breast cancer will be double. But it has turned out that there is food preventing and improving fatty liver. The food is soy (Fig. 3). Protein contained in soy acts on the liver, leading to secreting a hormone called FGF21 which burns extra neutral fat stored in the liver. FGF21 is also expected to improve blood sugar, neutral fat and cholesterol. How much soy products do we need to eat? If you eat 100 grams of soy a day, the improvement of fatty liver can be expected. Experiment A 43 years old female whose fat in the liver had been 60 % (referenced value: 5 %) tried to eat more than 100 grams of soy products a day for a week. The amount of soy contained in soy products: A pack of Natto: 25 grams A piece of Tofu: 80 grams A piece of Aburaage (deep-fried bean curd): 7 grams A cup of Miso soup: 5 grams A cup of Soy milk: 12 grams After a week of the experiment, her fat in the liver became less than 5 % (referenced value: 5 %). According to a recent research, if the density of vitamin D in the blood was high, the risk of developing cancer decreased by 20 % and the risk of developing liver cancer decreased by more than 50 %.
Shiitake mushrooms (Fig. 1) are rich in vitamin D, but there is a method to increase vitamin D of raw Shiitake mushrooms. The method to increase vitamin D of raw Shiitake mushrooms is… Leaving raw Shiitake mushrooms in the sun. Shiitake mushrooms contain a substance called Ergosterol which turns into vitamin D by being exposed to UV. Vitamin D of Shiitake mushroom becomes more than tripled by leaving in the sun for 1 hour. Generally raw Shiitake mushroom is grown in the dark place so that it is not left in the sun. It is recommended to leave raw Shiitake mushroom in the sun for about 1 hour before cooking. When you leave Shiitake mushrooms in the sun, it is more effective to face the back of cap of Shiitake mushrooms up to increase vitamin D (Fig. 2). To prevent flu, it is important to heighten the strength of the immune system. The substance that heightens the immune strength is lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can be taken from food so that it is called “Immune vitamin”. There is a type of immune cell called macrophage in the body, which eats virus and bacteria invading the body. macrophages are activated by taking lipopolysaccharide, leading to stronger immune system and healthier body. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is effective for seasonal allergies, dementia and cancer in addition to infectious diseases like a flu. The best method to prevent flu by eating food is… Eating brown rice once a day. Why eating brown rice is good? Brown rice has rice bran which is rich in lipopolysaccharide (LPS). A cup of brown rice a day gives you sufficient lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Do you know what diseases rapidly increase among women after menopause?
The diseases are stroke and heart attack which are life-threatening blood vessel diseases. The cause is menopause. After menopause, the secretion of female hormone (estrogen) which protects women’s body decreases, causing not only wrinkles and sagging but also hardening of blood vessels, and makes it easier to have lifestyle-related diseases. The decrease of female hormone happens to all the women with age and it is not avoidable. That has been the common sense of medicine. However, it has tuned out that a substance protects the body instead of female hormone. The substance is Equol. If you can get Equol, the blood vessels that arteriosclerosis progressed with age can be rejuvenated. The prevention of stroke and heart attack also can be expected. Another good news is that it can be expected that wrinkles will disappear and you look younger, and the prevention of cancer also can be expected. Equol is not only effective for women but also effective for men and the same effect such as rejuvenation of blood vessels can be expected. What kind of substance is Equol? Equol can be extracted from urine of pregnant horses. Why does Equol protect the body instead of female hormone? Because the chemical structure of Equol is very similar to female hormone, so Equol has the same function as female hormone. There is a research result that administration of Equol makes age of blood vessels younger, and Equol prevents breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. In fact, you can create Equol in your body without depending on urine of horses. How can Equol be created in the body? Equol protects blood vessels like female hormone (estrogen). Equol improves wrinkles, shallowing the depth of wrinkles and shrinking the area of wrinkles. There are people who can create Equol and who can’t create Equol, and among people who can create Equol, there are people who can create Equol a lot and people who can’t create Equol very much. The secret to create Equol is Soy Products (Fig. 1). Equol is created in the intestine. When Soy products come to the intestine, the intestinal bacteria break down soy products and create Equol. If you regularly eat soy products for a long time, the number of the intestinal bacteria creating Equol increases and more Equol is created. How much soy products have been eaten until now decides whether you can create Equol or not. The foodstuff helping increase Equol if you eat with are burdock and onion. Burdock and onion contains Fructooligosaccharides which are food of the intestinal bacteria. Fructooligosaccharides increase good bacteria in the intestine, making better environment to create Equol. Other foodstuff containing Fructooligosaccharides are tomato, banana, garlic and asparagus. Even if you can’t create Equol, if you continue to eat soy products for a long time, there is a possibility that you can become a person who can create Equol. Grape tomato
Prevent summer cold with grape tomato containing 3 times more lycopene than normal tomato! Normal Tomato (100 g) Grape Tomato (100 g) Lycopene 30.3 mg 91.9 mg Carotene 540 mg 960 mg Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 0.05 mg Dietary Fiber 1.0 mg 1.4 mg Vitamin C 15 mg 32 mg Lycopene has strong antioxidant effect. Oxidization is rusting of the body. Lycopene prevent the body from rusting. Oxidization is loss of electron and lycopene eats substances which steal electrons. Lycopene has effect to suppress development of cancer. According to a research in Harvard university and others, people taking a lot of lycopene has less risk of development of prostate cancer compared to people taking a little. Dietary fiber contained a lot in grape tomato is not only good for constipation but also good to strengthen immune system. Q3. Which can enrich nutrition of grape tomato most? (A) Eat after chopping (B) Eat as it is A3. (A) Eat after chopping The skin of grape tomato is thick. Chopping grape tomato makes nutrition easy to be absorbed. The cell wall is damaged by chopping and nutrition comes out. That makes the nutrition easy to be absorbed. Q4. Which can enrich the nutrition of grape tomato most? (A) Salt (B) Olive oil A4. (B) Olive oil Lycopene is oil soluble and is absorbed easily when eating with oil. It is recommended to mix grape tomato with olive oil after chopping because olive oil coats the nutrition preventing oxidization. Lycopene is absorbed in the small intestine. Coating of olive oil protects lycopene from stomach acid. Store Tomato in Room temperature Tomato is originally grown in warm countries, so it is better to store them in room temperature. Storing in room temperature makes tomato more mature, making them sweeter and more nutritious. It is recommended to store in room temperature for 2 to 3 days in summer and for about 7 days in winter. Cancer
One of the major causes of cancer is active oxygen which oxidizes the normal cells, transforming them into cancer cells. The substance that suppresses the occurrence of active oxygen is beta-carotene which is rich in carrots. But there is another substance which suppresses the occurrence of active oxygen more than 2 times of beta-carotene. That is beta-cryptoxanthin. In the people who took a lot of beta cryptoxanthin, the ratio that lung cancer and cervical cancer occur decreased by 60 % and esophageal cancer decreased by 80 %. Citrus Unshu in Japan which is the same species (mandarin orange) and similar to clementine coantains 60 times more beta-cryptoxanthin than orange. Eating 1 to 2 citrus Unshu is good to prevent cancer. The thick outside skin contains a lot of beta-cryptoxanthin which suppresses active oxygen and is also rich in limonene which suppresses carcinogenic substance. The skin is good to eat drying it. The skin is used as Chinese herbs. It is recommended to eat one teaspoon a day adding it to tea, yogurt or soup. How to make dried mandarin peels: 1. Soak the peels in about 80 degrees C (176 degrees F) water for 3 minutes to sterilize. 2. Wash the peels and wipe off the water with paper towels. 3. Dry the peels in the sun until they become crisp. 4. Break the peels into pieces. What is the function of Calcium?
Calcium doesn’t only form bones but it is super nutrition necessary for us to live. It has turned out that it is effective to improve various diseases. Unexpected functions of calcium are controlling the muscles, regulating the movement of the heart and transmitting all the information in the brain such as sad, happy, painful or delicious. 3 diseases which are high blood pressure, stress and cancer can be improved by the effect of calcium. A person whose weight is 50 Kg has about 1 Kg of calcium. 99 % of 1 Kg is bones and teeth and remaining 1 % exists all over the body playing very important roles. Calcium is a kind of metal or mineral taken from the soil of the earth. If you take sufficient calcium, there is a possibility that you can lower your blood pressure without restricting salt strictly. In an experiment, 4 people whose blood pressures were higher than the guide line drank a glass of milk every meal and the movement of their blood pressures lowered down throughout a day compared to when they didn’t drink a glass of milk every meal. Blood pressure is usually low in the morning, gradually goes up, reaches its peak during the daytime and goes down at night. The blood pressure of people who take too much salt doesn’t go down at night, causing high blood pressure at night. But their blood pressures went down clearly. To lower blood pressure at night, it is necessary to remove salt from the body. So there is a possibility that calcium promoted the kidneys to discharge salt. High blood pressure at night raises the risk of stroke and dementia. There is a research result that high blood pressure at night raises the risk of stroke (cerebral infarction) 3 times more. How much calcium should be taken to improve high blood pressure? A glass of milk (200 cc) contains about 220 mg of calcium. If you want to take the same amount of calcium, 1-1/2 table spoon (3 g) of dried shrimp contains 213 mg of calcium. 2 pieces of processed cheese contains 226 mg of calcium. 2 cups of yogurt contains 240 mg of calcium. ¾ piece of tofu contains 194 mg of calcium. 4 pieces of capelin (a small fish) contain The most efficient food to take calcium is milk. It is difficult to absorb calcium and most calcium is discharged with fibers. Milk has high ratio of absorption compared to the other food, but it is better to take calcium eating in good balance. If you age is more than 30 years old, the recommended amount of calcium a day is about more than 650 to 700 mg for men and 650 mg for women. So if you drink 3 glasses of milk, it becomes about 660 mg of calcium. Relationship between Irritation and calcium Calcium is an important substance to transmit information in the brain. Lack of calcium causes a failure of transmitting information, resulting in irritation. Therefore, if you take sufficient calcium, the activity of the nerves becomes smooth and irritation can be solved. Relationship between cancer and calcium According to the newest research, it was found out that calcium caught carcinogen (a substance that tends to produce cancer) and discharged it to the outside of the body. Cancer that calcium is expected to prevent most is colon cancer. Colon cancer is a disease that mainly a benign tumor becomes cancerous by stimulation of carcinogen.
![]() Influence on your health caused by Ghost Vessels The total length of the capillaries in our body is 2 times as long as going around the earth. More than 90 % of blood vessels in our body is the capillaries. If the capillaries in the hands and feet become ghost, required oxygen and nutrition is not delivered to the area sufficiently, making the area cold. If a part of the capillaries in the heart becomes ghost, that can cause heart attack. Cancer cells tend to increase around the area of ghost capillaries. Summary of diseases caused by ghost capillaries Head: Hari loss and gray hair Face: Pigmented spots and wrinkles Neck and shoulder: Tightness Heart: Heart attack Hands and feet: Coldness Serious disease: Cancer 3 Major Causes of Ghost Vessels The width of the capillary is one size of the red blood cell. If the width of the capillary becomes smaller by some reasons, required blood is not delivered. 1. Lack of Exercise We need to deliver nutrition through the capillaries to every muscle to move our body. But if you don’t move your body, our body judges that delivering nutrition is not necessary and the capillaries decrease. 2. Overweight When you gain weight with unnecessary fat, the capillaries go to the fat as well. But since the blood delivered to the whole body is constant, the blood is delivered to the excess fat, so the capillaries can’t receive sufficient blood. That causes the capillaries to become ghost. 3. Overeating When you eat food, blood gathers to the stomach and intestines. People who eat and drink too much or always eat something between meals have blood in the stomach and intestines chronically, making the blood in the limbs stagnate, damaging the capillaries. Ingredient to improve Ghost Vessels Long Pepper (Fig. 7), sometimes called Indian long pepper (Pipli), is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. (from Wikipedia) In Ayurveda, long pepper is used as medicine to remove coldness. In the sixth or fifth century BCE, Hippocrates discussed it as a medicament rather than a spice in Greece. It is recommended to use long pepper instead of other peppers like black pepper. It is good to take a half of tea spoon a day (1 gram). Maximum is one tea spoon (2 grams). Ginger and cinnamon are also recommended. |
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