If you feel pain or tightness in the front side of the hip joint, this exercise is good for you. This exercise is to loosen the iliac muscle, which connects from the the inside of the pelvis to the inside of the hip joint. The important point of this exercise is to do it slowly because if you do it quickly, other muscles are used and it doesn't loosen the iliac muscle. When you lie on your stomach and bend your knee, if it is very tight, that is the tightness of the iliac muscle. Please try this exercise by watching the following.
This exercise loosens your hamstrings. It only takes 30 seconds for both of your hamstrings and you can feel your hamstring gets looser right after the exercise. If you feel tight in your hamstrings, please watch the following. This exercise is to loosen the area between the lumbar spine and the sacrum, where is the bottom of the spine. Adhesion of this area often causes low back pain, sciatica and other leg problems like knee pain, ankle pain. So when there are any leg problems, I often insert a needle in this area to release pain in the thigh, knee, ankle or even the bottom of the feet. This exercise takes about 30 seconds. Once a day is enough. You can see the result right after the exercise by checking the tightness before the exercise. If your lumbar spine has too much inward curve, this exercise is very effective. Please watch the following video for this exercise. I teach this exercise to my patients when I have found the tightness in the lower back muscles. The exercise is very easy and takes only 10 seconds and you don't need to do it multiple times. Once a day is enough. Please try this exercise after checking how tight your lower back muscles are according to the instruction. Please watch the following video for this exercise. This exercise loosens the costovertebral joints, which are the joints between the spine and ribs. The tightness of these joints causes stiff neck and shoulders when the upper part gets tight, pain between shoulder blades when mid part gets tight and low back pain when the lower part gets tight. These.joints tend to get tight by doing deskwork for a long time or from rounded shoulders. Please try this exercise when you feel your back tight. It is easy and effective and takes only 10 seconds. I want to introduce a self-care method that can improves the range of motion of your joints and makes your body lighter when you walk. Please check your joints' movement before this self-care method and feel how they change. The method is easy! It's only pushing the bottom of your foot and you can finish this within 1 minute. I'm explaining how to do this self-care in the following video. When you have low back pain at the time of standing up or sitting down, SI joint, where is painted with yellow marker on the above chart of the pelvis, is often related to the pain. This self-care method loosens the area of SI joint and makes it easier to stand up and sit down. Even if you don't have low back pain right now, you can use this self-care method when you sit for a long time and your back feels tight to prevent low back pain. You can finish this self-care method within 10 seconds, so please do it every day and improve or prevent low back pain. When you wake up in the morning and try to get up from the bed, if you have low back pain, it is very disappointing. In that case, please try the following self-care method. Also when you walk, you actually twist your low back a lot. This movement is similar to the movement when you roll over. So if you have low back pain when you walk, please try this self-care. Click the following and watch how to do this self-care method. [Self-Care] 2 Acupuncture points Improve your Neck Pain and Low Back Pain while watching TV4/20/2021 Today I want to introduce 2 acupuncture points to improve your neck and low back. I often use these points in the clinic, so some of you may be needled at these points before. You can do this self-care watching TV or so. Let’s Improve Neck Pain and Low Back Pain within 30 seconds! One is for neck and shoulder pain tightness. The acupuncture point is called Lung-7. Check the tightness of your neck and press the point. You should feel that your neck has loosened, and you can turn your neck farther than before pressing the point. For detailed method of checking and pressing, watch Video. Another is for low back pain and tightness. The acupuncture point is called Small Intestine-3. Before pressing the point, bend your body forward and backward to check the flexibility of your low back. After pressing the point, you should be able to bend farther. This self-care is explained in the video in detail. Check the video for more information like how to find the points and how to check the neck and back before and after. This is a case of acute groin pain improved by 2 acupuncture treatments. The patient is 18-year-old male who injured his left groin yesterday while playing hockey. When he bends forward and twists his back to the left, he feels pain in his left low back, and when he raises his left knee, he feels pain in his left groin. [1st Treatment] I had him lie on his right side on the treatment table and checked his left low back, buttock and groin for pressure pain with my fingers and found tender points on his left low back and groin. I needled on his head and low back and released the tender points and let him relax for 10 minutes with the needles. After removing the needles, I had him stand up and checked his movement. When he raised his left knee, he still felt some pain in his left groin, so I gave a little bit of stimulation on an acupuncture point on his foot with my finger and asked him to raise his left knee again. This time he didn’t feel any pain, so we finished the first treatment. [2nd Treatment] His groin pain was better but when he raised his left knee, there was a little bit of pain in the area. At the beginning of the treatment, I added the treatment to relax whole body from his head, leading to the improvement of the flexibility of raising his legs on the treatment table. I did almost the same acupuncture treatment as the last session and added the treatment to improve the strength of his legs. I had him stand up and confirmed he didn’t have any pain in his left groin when he raised his left knee and fished the course of the treatment for his left groin pain. |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024