The Difference between people who tend to have a migraine headache and people who don’t is…10/27/2016 whether or not the blood vessel in the brain is easy to become wider.
The blood vessel is wound by the nerve which works as a sensor. Normally there is a space between the blood vessel and the nerve. In the case of migraine headache, the blood vessel becomes wider and stimulates the nerves winding around the blood vessel (Fig. 1). The blood vessel is an artery so it is pulsating. That makes you feel pulsating pain in the head. What makes the blood vessel wider? (1) Weather When the weather is nice, the blood vessel is contracted by proper atmospheric pressure. In this condition, there is no headache because the nerve is not stimulated. On the other hand, when the weather is bad, the atmospheric pressure lowers down, lowering the pressure in the head. That makes the blood vessel wider and stimulate the nerve, causing headache. (2) Smell The stimulation of strong smell such as cigarette’s smoke or perfume stresses the body. The brain is excited by the stress and increases the blood flow, making the blood vessel wider and causing headache. (3) Too much sleeping Usually when you sleep, the blood vessel gradually becomes wider by relaxation. But if you sleep too much, the blood vessel becomes too wide, causing headache. (4) Hunger When you feel hungry, your body tries to get more nutrition, widening the blood vessel and causing headache and irritation. So people who easily get angry tend to have migraine headache. When there is a migraine headache, the blood vessel is wider so it is good to cool it down to shrink the blood vessel. Putting a cold towel on the area where you feel the headache is effective to alleviate the pain.
Migraine headache is caused by dilation of blood vessels in brain compressing nerves, causing pain. Migraine headache is common in females.
What people who have migraine headache should do every day is… Eating sweets at 3 pm. When blood sugar goes down, blood vessels loosen so migraine headache tends to happen. Eating sweets between lunch and dinner raises blood sugar, leading to the stability of blood vessels in brain. It is important to keep blood sugar constant so some people eat 6 small amount of meals a day. It is better to avoid the fruits which contain substance to dilate blood vessels such as banana or citrus fruits. How do you distinguish migraine headache from tension headache? When you shake your head, if the pain becomes stronger, that is migraine headache. What should be done to prevent migraine headache? It is good to walk exposing the skin. Sunbathing is very good. Because migraine headache is related to intracerebral substance called serotonin, but lack of serotonin tends to happen in early spring, and serotonin is not synthesized without sunlight. it is recommended to sunbathe a lot to stabilize serotonin, but it is not good for people who have migraine headache to see sunlight directly so it is better to go out wearing pale color of sunglasses. What food is effective for migraine headache? (1) Coffee with a little bit of sugar Sugar contracts blood vessels and suppresses the headache. Caffeine expels water from swollen blood vessels as urine. (2) Natto and broccoli Natto and broccoli contain magnesium and vitamin B2 a lot which calm exited brain and stabilize blood vessels in brain. |
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