He came to the clinic because his brother’s groin pain got better by acupuncture treatment.
The patient is 17-year-old male who have had pain in his left shoulder since he fell down and hit his left shoulder while playing hockey 2 weeks ago. When he raises his left shoulder and stretches his left shoulder backward. [Test] I had him stand up and raised his arm horizontally and pressed the arm with my hand. The strength of his left arm was weak. When he raised his arm from the side of his body, he can only raise his arm a little above horizontal level and he couldn’t raise his arm vertically from the front and complained about pain. [Treatment] I had him lie on his right side and checked for tender points with my finger pressure. There were tender points on his neck, around his left shoulder blade and his left chest. I needled some acupuncture points, confirmed the tender points disappeared and gave subtle stimulation to the needles moving his left arm. The range of motion of his shoulder got better and pain with the movement also got better, so I left the needles in for 10 minutes. I came back to the room and checked the strength of his left, but it was still weak, so I gave the treatment to strengthen his left arm. I confirmed his left arm got stronger and asked him to move his left arm. There was no pain in his left shoulder with any movement, so I finished the treatment of his shoulder pain by this session.
This is a case of acute groin pain improved by 2 acupuncture treatments. The patient is 18-year-old male who injured his left groin yesterday while playing hockey. When he bends forward and twists his back to the left, he feels pain in his left low back, and when he raises his left knee, he feels pain in his left groin. [1st Treatment] I had him lie on his right side on the treatment table and checked his left low back, buttock and groin for pressure pain with my fingers and found tender points on his left low back and groin. I needled on his head and low back and released the tender points and let him relax for 10 minutes with the needles. After removing the needles, I had him stand up and checked his movement. When he raised his left knee, he still felt some pain in his left groin, so I gave a little bit of stimulation on an acupuncture point on his foot with my finger and asked him to raise his left knee again. This time he didn’t feel any pain, so we finished the first treatment. [2nd Treatment] His groin pain was better but when he raised his left knee, there was a little bit of pain in the area. At the beginning of the treatment, I added the treatment to relax whole body from his head, leading to the improvement of the flexibility of raising his legs on the treatment table. I did almost the same acupuncture treatment as the last session and added the treatment to improve the strength of his legs. I had him stand up and confirmed he didn’t have any pain in his left groin when he raised his left knee and fished the course of the treatment for his left groin pain. |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024