Cataract is a disease that because the lens of the eye becomes cloudy by aging, vision becomes blurry or things are seen doubly or triply. The ratio that people with cataract cause a traffic accident is about 2.5 times more than people with normal vision. In the worst case, it causes loss of the eyesight. Let’s check the risk of cataract Part-I Which Japanese characters are written in Fig. 1, たどれ or たちどまれ? The answer is たちどまれ. If you can only see たどれ, you may have initial cataract. Cataract often makes the lens tune yellow. Cataract is the condition seeing things through a yellow filter, so it is difficult to see yellow and it is also difficult to see blue because it becomes black (Fig. 2). Progression of cataract makes it difficult to distinguish whether the fire of the stove is on or off (Fig. 3). That causes accidents like getting burned or burning clothes. Let’s check the risk of cataract Part-II Which Japanese characters are written in Fig. 4, おしりor おとしより? The answers is おとしより. In some symptoms of cataract, things look like white. That makes difficult to see thin colors or notice a slight difference in level, causing falls. The above 2 tests are for the cataract that the center of the eye is cloudy, but there is a cataract that the eye is cloudy in spots (Fig. 5). In this case, the center of the eye is relatively clear, so the above 2 tests can be cleared. Let’s check the risk of cataract Part-III How do you see the light in Fig. 6 (Needs to see actual light)? If you see multiple lights or you see the light radially like Fig. 7, you may have initial cataract. In the normal eye, the light going into the eye converge and we can see a thing, but in the case of cataract with cloud in spots, the light going into the eye goes through the cloud and spreads to various directions, seeing multiple or radial lights. People with this type of cataract see things while driving like Fig. 8. Food to prevent cataract Salmon rich in astaxanthin which has strong antioxidant effect is effective.
1st: Chosen by 31 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Stiff neck and shoulders, Headache, Cold intolerance, Edema, Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Tiredness of Eyes, Low back pain, Knee pain, Constipation, Menstrual cramps, rough skin, High blood pressure, Diarrhea, Pollen allergy, Sore throat, Toothache, Dizziness, Snoring, Ringing in ears This acupuncture point is all-around and the strongest acupuncture point effective for various symptoms all over the body. Acupuncture point Large Intestine-4 (LI4) Location of LI4 LI4 is located where the bones of the index finger and the thumb meets and is the index finger side (Fig. 1). Pressing LI4 promotes the secretion of the substance having an analgesic effect and affects the symptoms all over the body. How to press LI4 Push your thumb into the inside of your index finger and count 10 (Fig. 2). 2nd: Chosen by 23 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Low back pain, Knee pain, Tiredness of legs, Constipation, Tiredness of stomach Acupuncture Point Stomach-36 (ST36) Location of ST36 ST36 is located where the finger hits the bone when pushing the bone below the knee upward (Fig. 1). Pressing ST36 improves the blood flow around the low back and the whole legs and promotes the function of the stomach and intestines through the brain. How to press ST36 (1) Overlap your thumbs one another on ST36 and push toward your knee (Fig. 2). (2) When you push for 5 seconds, release for 5 seconds (Fig. 3). (3) Repeat 5 times. 3rd : Chosen by 18 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Low back pain, Knee pain, Cold intolerance, Edema and Menstrual cramps Acupuncture Point Spleen-6 (SP6) Location SP6 is located where the point 4 fingers above the inner side of the ankle bone meets the inside of the leg bone (Fig. 1). Pressing SP6 increases the blood flow around the pelvis, uterus and ovaries and regulates the balance of hormones, so it is effective for low back problems and gynecological problems. How to press SP6 (1) Press SP6 like putting your thumb into the inside of the bone for 3 seconds (Fig. 2). (2) Release your thumb for 3 seconds (Fig. 3). (3) Repeat (1) and (2) for 5 times. 4th: Chosen by 12 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Stress, Anxious Feeling and Insomnia Pressing PC10 (Pericardium 10) calms the autonomic nervous system and is effective for various symptoms caused by tiredness of your heart. Location of PC10 PC10 is located between the tip of index finger and the tip of the middle finger when you clench your hand (Fig. 1). How to press PC10 (1) Press PC10 with the thumb of another hand (Fig. 2). (2) Press the point toward the tip of fingers for 10 seconds (Fig. 3). Pressing PC10 works instantly, so try pressing the point when you feel irritated. Is it possible to recover fully from dementia?
There is neither medicine or treatment to recover fully from dementia. But there is a adhesive skin patch which is able to delay the symptoms of dementia. This patch increases acetylcholine, which is a substance transferring the information of nerves, in the brain. Let’s check the risk of dementia
If there are more than 4 clauses applied to you, you need to be careful of dementia. Visual test (1) What are 4 things drawn in Fig. 1? The answer is a wine glass, a pencil, a folk and a bucket. Dementia weakens the spatial ability, causing unable to distinguish these things and recall the name of them. (2) Which is the same graphic as the above graphic within graphics (1) to (3) in Fig. 2? Dementia weakens the ability to recognize 3-dimentional objects. Food to prevent dementia A canned mackerel in brine (Fig. 3) is effective because DHA and EPA contained in blue back fishes protect nerve cells in the brain, leading to the prevention of dementia. A canned mackerel contains DHA and EPA without losing them. Eating a can once every 1 or 2 days is effective. A piece of Camembert cheese a day or 2 glasses of red wine are also effective (Fig. 4). Simple exercise to prevent dementia Snail Exercise: (1) Make your left hand scissors and right hand rock, put your right hand on your left hand and make a snail (Fig. 5 & 6). (2) Make your left hand a rock and right hand scissors and put your left hand on your right hand (Fig. 7). (3) Repeat (1) and (2) rhythmically. If you can repeat this 10 times in a row, you are okay. If you can’t, please train it. 5th: Chosen by 11 out of 100 Acupuncturists
Indications Stiff neck and shoulders, headache and tiredness of eyes Location of GB20 GB20 (Gall Bladder 20) is located at where the spine in the neck runs into the bone behind the ears and is where is dent a little (Fig. 1). Pressing GB20 loosens the tension of the optical nerves and relieves the tiredness of the eye, and also promotes the blood flow of the neck and improves stiff neck and shoulders and headaches. How to press GB20 (1) Cover your head with your palms and place your thumb on GB20 (Fig. 2). (2) Look up slightly and press toward the center of your head for 5 seconds with breathing out (Fig. 3). Doing 5 times for 5 sets is effective to improve stiff neck and shoulders, headache and tiredness of eyes. Dementia has little objective symptom so that it is important that their family or people around notice their symptoms.
(1) Having stopped watching favorite TV dramas recently. Dementia makes difficult to follow the story of dramas like how many characters there are, the relationship between the characters. Dementia also declines the track of the day of a week, so people with dementia have come not to know what day of the week the TV program is on. (2) Often taking a nap for more than 30 minutes Taking a nap for more than 30 minutes is counted as that you have had deep sleep once. This has a harmful influence to the sleep at night and make it difficult to remove the substance causing dementia, which is stains in the brain. So taking a nap for more than 30 minutes makes the risk of dementia development more than double. But taking a nap for about 15 minutes lowers the risk of dementia development by one fifth, compared to taking no nap. (3) Sometimes rotting the food in the refrigerator. It has drawn an attention lately that at the beginning stage of dementia, the sense of smell is decreased. [Acu Note] Sciatic pain from Right Buttock to Right Ankle Recovered by One Acupuncture Treatment11/8/2018 A patient came to my clinic with pain in the right buttock to the right ankle. she had worked long hours standing and the pain had started 6 days ago. Checking the pain with movements, when she bent forward and backward, and bent to the sides, she felt pain in her right buttock and leg. After the treatment to harmonize the energy flow of her whole body, I asked her to lie on her left side and checked for the pain with the pressure of fingers. There were a lot of painful points on her right buttock, a few on her left buttock and no painful points on her right thigh and lower leg as shown in Fig. 1 (Red dots and lines are painful spots with finger pressure). I gave her the treatment to remove all the painful points with pressure and at the end of the treatment, I had her stand up and move her body as she had felt painful before the treatment. She didn’t have pain with any movements so I ended her first treatment. She came back 4 days later and since she didn’t experience any pain after the last treatment, the course of treatment for her sciatic pain ended. Chronic pain usually takes time even if the pain is not sharp or just dull, but acute pain usually gets cured by a few treatments even if the pain is intense, so when you have an acute pain, it is worth trying acupuncture. Cozy Acupuncture is located in Witch City Mall in Salem, MA, specializing in pain management such as knee pain, low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, menstrual pain, etc. If you are suffering from pain in low back, buttocks or knees, give a try to Cozy Acupuncture. Call today to set up your appointment: 617-584-8703 Book now Online ![]() A patient with low back pain came to my clinic. Checking her pelvis, right side of her pelvis was higher toward the head. After loosening her low back and her right buttock with round-tip needles, I adjusted her pelvis to make the height the same. Right after the treatment, she felt better and when she came back for the next treatment, she didn’t have pain in her low back so that I focused on the other symptoms and didn’t add the treatment for low back pain. She came back 2 days after her regular chiropractic treatment and she told me that her low back got worse after the chiropractic treatment. She was not able to bend her back backward due to pain. Checking her pelvis, her right pelvis was obviously higher vertically, in addition to being higher to the head. Same as before, I loosened her low back and buttock with round-tip needles and adjusted her pelvis to make the height the same both vertically and horizontally. After the treatment, she became able to bend her back backward without pain. What did the chiropractor adjust? Cozy Acupuncture is located in Witch City Mall in Salem, MA, specializing in pain management such as knee pain, low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, menstrual pain, etc.
If you are suffering from low back pain, give a try to Cozy Acupuncture. Call today to set up your appointment: 617-584-8703 Book now Online |
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