Q8. As the prevention of cold intolerance, wearing socks when you sleep is good. (A) True (B) False A8. (B) False As verification, a person slept for 5 hours wearing socks. When the person woke up, the feet were still cold. (Fig. 5) So why isn’t it good to wear sock when you sleep? Because socks tighten capillaries in the feet so blood circulation gets worse. Also the bottom of feet sweat to control the body temperature. If you wear socks when you sleep, moisture fills inside socks and there is a risk that cold intolerance gets worse. Instead of socks, leg warmer is recommended. Since leg warmer can warm calves which are called the second heart, pumping action of calves is helped. As verification, a person slept wearing leg warmers. When she woke up, her body temperature went up and her blood circulation got better. (Fig. 6) Q9. Which is the best item for cold protection to warm your body?
(A) Ear warmer (B) Scarf (C) Gloves (D) Tights (E) Abdomen warmer (Haramaki) A9. (E) Abdomen warmer (Haramaki) In abdomen, there is abdominal aorta which is a thick blood vessel so warming abdomen leads to warming all the body. As a verification, a person wore an abdomen warmer. 30 minutes later the person’s hands and feet warmed up. (Fig. 7)
Q6. If you have cold intolerance, you feel cold in your hands and feet, but there is cold intolerance that you don’t notice you have cold intolerance, which is called “hidden” cold intolerance. What part of the body is cold when you have “hidden” cold intolerance? A6. Abdomen. There are important organs in the abdomen so the body try to warm the abdomen with priority. Hands and feet become cold because the body tries to keep the core of the body warm. On the other hand, when you have “hidden” cold intolerance, your hands and feet are warm so it is difficult to notice that you have cold intolerance, but your body temperature is low and your internal organs are cold. When the internal organs are cold, the action of the internal organs decreases, resulting in dangerous condition. If you touch your abdomen and it feels cold, you need to be careful.
Why does your body temperature go down quickly when you soak in hot tub? Autonomic nervous system controls your body temperature. When you soak in hot tub, you’re your body temperature goes up suddenly so the autonomic nervous system tries to lower your body temperature. The method to lower the body temperature is making blood vessels thin and decreasing the blood flow. If the blood vessels become thin, it gets difficult to transport blood to the ends of limbs. As a result, your hands and feet become cold quickly. On the other hand, in the case of soaking in lukewarm water, your body relaxes, transporting blood to the ends of limbs. To improve cold intolerance, it is better to soak in lukewarm water up to your neck because there are autonomic nerves related to raising the body temperature around your neck.
Examples of symptoms caused by cold intolerance are stiff neck and shoulders, low back pain, constipation, menstrual cramps and depression.
Why does cold intolerance cause these symptoms? Q1. What weakness causes cold intolerance? A1. Pumping of muscles Our body is warm because blood is circulated by pumping of heart and muscles. Hands and feet are easily cold because blood can’t be delivered to the area. Q2. Cold intolerance is caused by the weakness of muscles, but there are two other causes. What are the two other causes? A2. (1) Lack of water (2) Unhealthy diet Muscles transport blood. Even if the transporter is good, a heavy package is hard to transport and a light package is easy to transport. If you consume excessive amount of fat, blood becomes sticky and becomes difficult to pump. So it is important to take proper amount of water and balanced meals. Q3. Why will you easily get serious diseases if you leave cold intolerance as it is? A3. Because your immune strength lowers. If the body temperature goes down by 1 ˚C (1.8 ˚F), your immune strength lowers by 30%. Q4. Why do women easily become cold intolerance more than men? A4. Because women have less muscles which produce heat and transport blood than men. Heat transfer of fat is not good so fat blocks the heat. Fat seems like it works as heat insulation but actually fat is difficult to warm up once it becomes cold. Fat is like heat insulation and women are covered more by the heat insulation than men, so it is difficult for women to transfer the heat to the skin. Q5. In recent years, men with cold intolerance are increasing rapidly and they tend to have depression. Why did men with cold intolerance increase? A5. Due to stress. Autonomic nervous system controls the body temperature. Autonomic nervous system loses balance due to stress leading to cold intolerance. When our body temperature is high, our body lowers our body temperature by sweating. When our body temperature is low, our body keeps our body warm by decreasing blood flow. When you are in stress, your autonomic nervous system is not able to control these things. Your body feels stress without subjective symptoms. How to distinguish if you are feeling stress or not is to check if you are sweating in your palms or not. Sweating in your palm is related to your mental state. The patient had pain in the left side of her neck especially when she looked at the left side. When I palpated her neck, there was a hard knot and pressure pain at the left transverse process of 5th cervical spine. I thought it was caused by the misalignment of the 5th cervical spine.
I checked her pulse and abdomen, and decided the patter of the root treatment as Spleen Deficiency. I tonified right SP3 with Teishin using Yang technique. Right after the needling, she told me that she felt her neck was released from the pressure. After I confirmed her pulse and abdomen got better, I let her relax in the same position for about 10 minutes. 10 minutes later I came back and checked her neck. There was no hard knot at the left side of C5 and the left side of her neck was as soft as the right side. After other treatment with Teishin on her back and neck, I asked her to turn her neck to the right and left. There was no pain in her neck. Usually direct treatment to the area of misaligned cervical spine is mainly performed. But I realized again that if the root treatment was as effective as the body structure moved, the direct treatment was not necessary so much. Why do you have to lie down after a meal?
Most fat in meals is absorbed through lymph ducts of small intestine. 2 to 3 hours after a meal is the time period that cisterna chyli enlarges most because a large amount of lymph containing fat flows in. That is why it is the most effective to lie down and perform abdominal breathing 2 hours after meals. The secrets of abdominal breathing to flow lymph stored in cisterna chyli are: 1. Performing abdominal breathing, putting your hands on your abdomen and confirming your abdomen moves up and down with breathing. 2. Breathing in slowly through your nose feeling your abdomen expands 3. Breathing out slowly from your mouth feeling your abdomen contracts 4. 2 to 3 times a minute, breathing slowly, taking about 20 seconds Another easy and effective method to boost up your immune strength The key word is strengthening immune cells. Immune cells are very sensitive. If the core body temperature goes up by 1 degree C, they feel stress and get activated. The temperature of the skin goes up and down according to the outside air temperature, but the core body temperature is maintained at a constant temperature regardless of the outside air temperature. If you raise the core body temperature by 1 degree C (1.8 degree F) by taking a bath, the heat becomes stress for the immune cells, resulting in strengthening the immune cells. How to take a bath to raise the core body temperature by 1 degree C is Soaking your body up to your shoulders into water of 41 degree C (105.8 degree F) for 15 minutes. The indication that the core body temperature raises by 1 degree C is to start sweating on your forehead. The above 2 males tried both abdominal breathing and bathing for another day. Their NK activities were: 71 years old male: 30 to 43 54 years old male: 17 to 17 Why does lying down boost up the immune strength?
NK cells in lymph nodes are ordered by a kind of protein flowing in lymph and go to patrol all over the body. It is considered that NK cells are stimulated by the flow of this protein and go to patrol. But if the flow of lymph is not good, the amount of the protein flown in lymph nodes decreases and NK cells tend not to go to patrol, leading to the lowering of the immune strength. So if you can make the flow of lymph better, NK activity goes up and the easiest method to make the flow of lymph better is lying down. Lymph tends to stagnate because lymph doesn’t have a pump like heart for blood, so if you stand or sit for a long time, lymph tends to accumulate in lower body by the influence of the gravity. Lying down makes the flow of lymph better and the lymph stagnated in the lower body goes back to the upper body, a large amount of the protein flows into lymph nodes, NK cells taking a rest are stimulated and start going to patrol. While you are lying down, performing abdominal breathing is more effective. There is cisterna chyli in the abdomen (Fig. 3), where lymph coming from the legs and the intestines is stored, like a tank. Cisterna chyli enlarges when lymph flows in. If you perform abdominal breathing to raise up the abdominal pressure, the stored lymph flows out in one go. At that time, it is important that the lymph from the intestines flows well because the intestines are connected to the outside and invaded by foreign substances so there are a lot of the best immune cells. If you can flow the lymph stored in cisterna chyli, you can send the best immune cells all over the body through lymph. Why do you have to lie down after a meal? What should we do to boost up the immune strength once lowered?
Waking up the sleeping immune cells. The method is to do some easy task for 20 minutes after a meal. Here is verification of how effective doing the task is. 3 persons who recently felt the lowering of the immune strength gathered. 56 years old female who often catch a cold and get canker sores easily 71 years old male who gets tired easily 54 years old male who often catches a cold They had NK activity test which evaluates the condition of NK cells. The guide line is 25 and if it is more than 25, the immune strength is normal, but if it is lower than 25, it is considered as the lowering of the immune strength. The results of their NK activity test were: 56 years old female: 23 71 years old male: 20 54 years old male: 6 So their NK activities are all less than the guide line. The method to boost up the immune strength is doing something 2 hours after lunch for 20 minutes every day. The 3 people tried the method for 4 days and checked how NK activity changed. 56 years old female: 23 to 43 71 years old male: 20 to 30 54 years old male: 6 to 17 All three people’s NK activities went up. So what is “something done after lunch”? That is lying down. Why does lying down boost up the immune strength?
10 thousand cancer cells died 3 hours after NK cells are put in. (Fig. 1) When they were left as they were, they increased by double in 2 days. (Fig. 2) Therefore, the strength of NK cells is equal to the strength of the immune system and that is the essential requisite to make the body not to get any diseases.
But the immune system possibly weakens gradually. One of the reason is aging. The activeness of NK cells is peak at the age of 20 and it becomes a half at the age of 70. So it is pretty natural that we tend to have cancer with age. There is an unusual reason that immune cells become weak. Immune cells which are supposed to protect our body take a rest without doing their jobs! Immune cells wait in lymph nodes located at important parts of the body and patrol all the body through blood vessels regularly. Once immune cells find a foreign substance, they attack and kill the foreign substance. (Fig. 3) If the activity of the immune cells is decreased by some cause, the immune cells keep resting in the lymph nodes and don’t go to patrol. That is considered as one of the biggest causes of the lowering of the immune strength. What should we do to boost up the immune strength once lowered? The root treatment is a treatment method which regulates the energy flow of all the body using a few acupuncture points on legs, forearms, hands and feet. These points are powerful so that the condition of pulse, abdomen, muscles changes right after needling. If the symptom is tightness in neck and shoulders, it can be improved by 50%. So can the length of the legs be improved by the root treatment?
A patient had pain in her left knee, left big toe and left hip. Basically she feels uncomfortable in all the left side of her body. Her left leg was shorter than right leg by half an inch. According to my diagnosis, the pattern for the root treatment was Spleen deficiency. I chose right SP3, placed Teishin very lightly on the point and tonified with Yang technique. Then I tonified left GB37 with Yin technique as well. The root treatment was just these 2 points. Right after the root treatment, I checked the length of her legs. There was slight change but not big difference compared to before the root treatment. I let her relax for about 10 minutes in order to make the regulated energy by the root treatment circulate the whole body. 10 minutes later I came back to the room and checked the length of her legs again. This time the length of the legs became almost even though her left leg was slightly shorter. Then I performed the local treatment on her back, hip and inguinal area with Teishin. I also performed Shaho Shin (Dispersion needle) on her left inguinal area because it was very hard compared to the right side. I checked the length of her legs and they were even. So I asked her to stand and check bending her knees. There was no pain in her knee, big toe and hip. From a patient’s point of view, the root treatment seems meaningless because needles are not inserted and they don’t feel anything except the touch of my hands. But I realized again the importance of the root treatment and the importance of choosing a right point, accurate location of the point and giving accurate technique on the point to make something happen. According to a research, 30% of the people who had had a white shining plaque had heart attack (Myocardial infarction or angina) within 5 years.
If not only LDL/HDL ratio is more than 2.5 but also blood pressure is high, blood sugar is high or there is a habit of smoking, the risk that heart attack occurs will go up. If HDL cholesterol increases, HDL cholesterol attaches and retrieves LDL cholesterol in the plaque. So even if you have a white shining plaque, if you can increase HDL cholesterol, you can lower the cubic contents of LDL cholesterol and the risk of heart attack. To decrease LDL cholesterol, take a lot of water-soluble dietary fibers which are contained in root vegetables such as carrot, daikon radish or burdock, mushrooms, sea vegetables and sticky foods such as okra, natto (fermented soybeans), avocado or yamaimo (Japanese yam). In the intestines, a water-soluble fiber becomes gel by dissolving in water and wraps LDL cholesterol and discharges it as feces. To increase HDL cholesterol, walking is considered as the best. Walking 8000 to 10000 steps every day increases a hormone called lipoprotein lipase which has the function to increase HDL cholesterol, resulting in the increase of HDL cholesterol. But since it takes time to increase HDL cholesterol, to improve the condition in a short period of time, it is important how much LDL cholesterol you can decrease. If you are considered as having a white shining plaque, it is better to start with eating more water-soluble dietary fibers. For 10 days, 52 years old female who had a white shining plaque tried the following things. 1. Eating more than 8 g (about 0.3 oz.) of water-soluble dietary fibers (equals to 5 packs of natto) every day. 2. Walking more than 8000 steps every day. 10 days later she had another blood test. LDL cholesterol changed from 181 to 165 (mg/dl). LDL cholesterol decreased by 16. HDL cholesterol changed from 56 to 55 (mg/dl). HDL cholesterol didn’t change due to the shortness of the verification period. But LDL/HDL ratio decreased from 3.2 to 3.0 within 10 days (guide line 2.5). If you might have a white shining plaque, please try walking and eating water-soluble fibers. |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024