The root treatment is a treatment method which regulates the energy flow of all the body using a few acupuncture points on legs, forearms, hands and feet. These points are powerful so that the condition of pulse, abdomen, muscles changes right after needling. If the symptom is tightness in neck and shoulders, it can be improved by 50%. So can the length of the legs be improved by the root treatment?
A patient had pain in her left knee, left big toe and left hip. Basically she feels uncomfortable in all the left side of her body. Her left leg was shorter than right leg by half an inch. According to my diagnosis, the pattern for the root treatment was Spleen deficiency. I chose right SP3, placed Teishin very lightly on the point and tonified with Yang technique. Then I tonified left GB37 with Yin technique as well. The root treatment was just these 2 points. Right after the root treatment, I checked the length of her legs. There was slight change but not big difference compared to before the root treatment. I let her relax for about 10 minutes in order to make the regulated energy by the root treatment circulate the whole body. 10 minutes later I came back to the room and checked the length of her legs again. This time the length of the legs became almost even though her left leg was slightly shorter. Then I performed the local treatment on her back, hip and inguinal area with Teishin. I also performed Shaho Shin (Dispersion needle) on her left inguinal area because it was very hard compared to the right side. I checked the length of her legs and they were even. So I asked her to stand and check bending her knees. There was no pain in her knee, big toe and hip. From a patient’s point of view, the root treatment seems meaningless because needles are not inserted and they don’t feel anything except the touch of my hands. But I realized again the importance of the root treatment and the importance of choosing a right point, accurate location of the point and giving accurate technique on the point to make something happen.
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April 2024