Hand If there is redness with a little bit of swelling on finger joints, that could be caused by Dermatomyositis which is systemic autoimmune disease. Immune system behaves abnormally, attacking healthy cells. If it progresses, the muscles of the whole body get damaged and in some cases, the patients become unable to walk. This disease tends to start with around finger joints. If there is redness under the thumb and the little finger, you may have Chronic Hepatitis (inflammation of liver). Liver controls the amount of female hormone related to the widening of blood vessels. Chronic hepatitis causes imbalance of the female hormone, leading to the widening of blood vessels. By the increase of blood flow, under the thumb and little finger where a lot of capillaries gather become red. There is a risk that it will progress to cirrhosis (of the liver). If you find the redness in these area, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.
found some useful check points which you can see with your eyes and judge if it is serious diseases or not. Please use them for a reference.
Top of your foot If there are red spots on the top of your feet, they can be a sign of Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (SLE) which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. The red spots are the condition that immune cells attack the capillaries, causing hemorrhage under the skin, called vasculitis. How to differentiate from frostbite or rash is: Press the red spots with clear plastic spoon and if the redness is gone, it is not serious but if it is still red with pressure, it can be hemorrhage under the skin so it is recommended to go see a dermatologist. |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024