Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemidicine that is scientific long distance treatment using visual information and the theory of Acupuncture medicine. The following is a case of Tele-Acupuncture treatment. A woman in her 40s was complaining about the pain in her right neck and shoulder area to her right chest when she moved her neck since 5 days ago. First, I asked her to move her neck. When she turned her neck to the right, looked down and tilted her head to both sides, she felt pain in her right shoulder to her right chest. I scanned and regulated the energy on the center line of her body with finger-needles through the screen, while she was sitting on a chair, facing to me. Then I asked her to check if she still felt pain by moving her neck. She said she still felt pain when she tilt her head to the right. So this time I scanned and regulated the energy on her right side from the neck to lower abdomen and then on her left side. I asked her to check again and she didn’t feel any pain around her right shoulder to her right chest when she tilted her head to the right. At this point, there were no pain, but I asked her to turn around and show her back to me. I scanned the center line and both sides of her back and regulated the energy, especially around her low back to buttocks because she told me she had had pain in her right hip to leg the day before this session, though there was no pain at the time of the session. 2 days later she had the second session. She still felt tightness on her right shoulder to upper back with turning and tilting her head to the right, though pain in her right chest disappeared. So I did the same treatment. When I finished the treatment on her front side, the tightness from her right shoulder to her upper back with the movement of her neck was already gone. I also scanned and regulated the energy on her back and finished the course of Tele-Acupuncture treatment for the pain in her right neck, shoulder and chest. Book and try the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE!
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April 2024