I introduced Tele-Acupuncture recently.
Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemidicine that is scientific long distance treatment using visual information and the theory of Acupuncture medicine. So I want to share some cases treated with Tele-Acupuncture below. If you are still skeptical to Tele-Acupuncture, I think you can get some idea about Tele-Acupuncture. Case 1 A woman in her 30s was complaining about difficulty breathing, sore throat, low back pain, neck pain and very anxious due to the current situation. I scanned her body with her sitting on her bed facing to me. I detected energy stagnation mostly in her upper body and unblocked the stagnated energy with finger-needles. I asked her to check how she felt now. She told me that low back and neck and sore throat got better, but still had difficulty breathing. I scanned her body again and detected some stagnation in the center and lower part of her chest, so unblocked the stagnated energy. This time she told me she could breathe easily. Case 2 The same woman as Case 1 was feeling stiffness in her neck and shoulder, low back pain in the center, both legs were sore in any posture (3 days after the 1st session). She told me that breathing and sore throat got better and she could sleep better. I asked her to sit facing me and scanned her body. Energy Stagnation was mostly located in her upper body. After unblocking the stagnated energy, she still felt stiffness in her neck and shoulders and low back pain, so I asked her to sit showing her back. I scanned her back and detected stagnated energy in her left upper back and both sides of her low back. After unblocking the stagnated energy, I asked her to check her body again. This time shed didn’t feel stiffness in her neck and shoulders and low back pain. Because she still felt soreness in her legs, I asked her to stand up showing her legs. As I unblocked the energy flow of her legs, she told me her legs didn’t hurt. Case 3 A woman in her 70s was complaining that her left neck to arm had hurt and tingly for a week. I asked her to sit showing her head to lower abdomen and scanned her Chakras and regulated stagnated ones and asked her how she felt. She still felt pain and tingling sensation in her left neck to arm. This time I scanned her left side of her body and detected stagnated energy in her neck, elbow and wrist, and the space above her shoulder. After unblocking the stagnated energy in these area, she felt neither any pain nor tingling sensation in her left neck and arm. Case 4 A man in his 40s was complaining about pain in his left neck, tightness in his low back, pain in his mid-back and tightness and pain in his left thigh to knee. First, I scanned and regulated Chakras and internal organs from his front side and asked him to check his neck, but he still felt some pain in his left side. Next, I asked him to show his back in his sitting position and scanned his back. I unblocked stagnated energy in his neck, left shoulder blade, mid-back and low back. He told me that he still felt tightness in his mid-back, so I unblocked remaining stagnated energy in his mid-back and he felt better. Next, I asked him to stand up showing his lower body and unblocked the stagnated energy around his left thigh and knee. He didn’t feel any pain and tightness in his left knee, but he complained about the tightness in his left buttock area, so I unblocked stagnated energy in his left buttock to hip joint, and the tightness in his left buttock was gone. Because he still felt some pain in the left side of his neck, I unblocked the stagnated energy around his left neck from his left side and front side. This time pain in his left neck also disappeared. Though I treated him from various positions like the front, back and side in his sitting position, the front and back in his standing position, the session could finish within 20 minutes. Please check Tele-Acupuncture for more information.
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April 2024