Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemidicine and scientific long distance treatment using visual information and the theory of Acupuncture medicine.
Tele-Acupuncture provides you with not only consultation like advising you what to do or what to eat provided by Telemedicine or Telehealth, but also treatment at a distance using visual information. This treatment method is not some kind of supernatural power but scientific treatment method. That means everybody can do it if they learn the method. Because this is not psychic stuff, it is necessary to have visual information to diagnose and treat. Tele-Acupuncture involves two parts: Scan and Treatment Scan: When I scan your body, I use my eyes. When my eyes come to unhealthy area of your body, my body receive the energy and gets affected by that like my muscle becomes tight. I use this information to decide where to treat. Treatment: Treatment has 3 sections. Regulating 7 Chakras Chakras are the main energy centers of the body and important acupuncture points. So when I directly treat patients in my clinic, I start with releasing this center line first. When Chakras are too open or too closed, that affects the body parts around the related Chakras. For example, if the 4th Chakra which is located on your chest is too closed or too open, you could have lung problems or heart problems. So Tele-Acupuncture balances the opening and closing of 7 Chakras first. Only by this treatment, some of the pain and/or tightness often disappears. Regulating Internal Organs After regulating 7 Chakras, I scan and treat the internal organs which are located in the both sides of the center line. This concept is the same as acupuncture. When you have any healthy issues like low back pain or neck pain, it can be caused by the problem of organs' energy. Unblocking stagnated energy I scan the body including the area where you have pain or other health issues and remove stagnated energy or supply energy to improve the flow of the energy in the area, leading to relieving pain, tightness or uncomfortable feeling. This treatment method is performed through video chat, using the method used at the clinic when I usually diagnose, decide acupuncture points to treat. The differences between Tele-Acupuncture and Acupuncture at the clinic In Tele-Acupuncture, I use my eyes instead of hands to scan the body and I use finger-needles instead of needles to treat. In the sense of removing stagnated energy and supplying required energy, Tele-Acupuncture is the same as Acupuncture at the clinic.
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April 2024