Tele-Acupuncture is a kind of Telemedicine not to offer consultations but to offer treatment at a distance using visual information and the theory of acupuncture medicine. The followings are the impressions from the patients who experienced Tele-Acupuncture. 50s Female with stress, neck pain I want to thank you for doing telephone acupuncture on me today . Since we have to adhere to proper social distancing to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, I really appreciate you accommodating me with telephone acupuncture. It really helped me relieve soreness and stiffness that I was having in my neck. It also relieved stress that I have been experiencing at this time. Thanks again! 40s Male with tightness and pain in his neck and upper body I could certainly feel the energy flow as my upper body and neck was very tense and tight on the left side through my trap area. In just a 20 min. session I was more relaxed, I was breathing better and more importantly my neck muscles on the left side started to lengthen as I decompressed. The session was definitely beneficial and I highly recommend it! 60s Female with stress, dryness and pain in her eyes I thought today’s tele-Acupuncture session went well. I didn’t know what to expect, so I was a little anxious at first. Since I am very open to the healing effects of acupuncture and qigong, I’m not sure from just one session if the calmness I felt was indeed from tele-acupuncture. I did notice, though, after returning from a three mile walk, I did not have to put eye drops in my eyes. Also, my mood has improved. 40s Female with neck pain During my session, my body became more relaxed, easing my pain. The Tele-Acupuncture allowed me to practice mindfulness in my own home while receiving my treatment. After my treatment, I noticed my shoulder and chest had improved including my flexibility in my neck. Book now and confirm the effect of Tele-Acupuncture: Online Appointment
For more information about Tele-Acupuncture, click HERE!
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April 2024