Pain in hands
She suddenly experienced pain in her hands. She visited various hospitals and had X-ray, blood test and MRI, but there was no abnormality found. But the pain in her hands increased. 1 year later. The cause of the pain turned out to be clenching of her back teeth. Clenching teeth makes the muscle called scalene which is located at the neck tight. The tightness presses the nerves running between the scalene. That sometimes causes pain in the clavicle, the arm or the hand. In her case, the nerve connected to the hand was pressed strongly, causing the pain in her palms. She was instructed to do the exercise that relaxes the scalene and 1 month later the pain was mostly gone. Pain in left thigh 12 years ago when she climbed up stairs, she suddenly had the pain in her left thigh that was as strong as she couldn’t stand. The pain was like the bone and muscle were grasped. After that, she felt the pain repeatedly. In addition to that, the period she felt the pain gradually became longer so she had to lie down for hours until the pain went away. She visited more than 30 hospitals but no cause was found. 10 years after she had the first pain, at a hospital she was instructed to keep a diary about the pain such as the scale of the pain, exercises, the condition of sleep, etc. By the diary, the cause of the pain in her left thigh turned out to be rain. The pain that is caused by weather is called Weather Pains. When it rains, air pressure falls. The sensor in the inner ear detects change in air pressure. When the sensor reacts the change in air pressure, the sympathetic nerve becomes active, causing changes in blood pressure, pulse rate. This is normal reaction, but there are people whose sensor overreacts. In that case, the sympathetic nerve affects the sensory nerve which runs by the sympathetic nerve and transfers pain. By that, the brain mistakenly recognizes it as pain. In her case, the pain diary showed the connection between the pain and weather. People with weather pains often have signs such as feeling sluggish, feeling fuzzy or heaviness in the shoulders. If you like to use pain killers, it is better to use them at this timing than at the time you have pain. Other effective countermeasures are going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, and moving the body outside actively because they regulate the sympathetic nerve.
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