It is difficult to make the sensation caused by damaged nerve disappear, compared to the sensation caused by pressed nerves or other reasons. Doctors usually consider it unable to be healed. How about in acupuncture? This was the case that was very successful and was healed by a small number of treatments.
The patient is a female in her 30s who has tingling sensation in her right buttock to thigh. She had an injection on her right buttock 8 years ago and the injection damaged the nerve. Since then, she has had the tingling sensation in her right buttock and outside of her right thigh constantly. She came to my clinic mainly for another health issue. The treatment was mainly to strengthen Spleen Yin energy with Fire point, general back treatment to remove tightness on her back with a round-tip needle for touching and another round-tip needle for tapping, and to remove stagnated energy by placing the round-tip needle for tapping on some points on her legs. I barely touched her thigh. After the 2nd treatment, the area of the numbness became smaller and after the 3rd treatment, it was limited on a very small area of the thigh, and after the 4th treatment, the numbness disappeared. At the time of the 6th treatment, there was still no tingling sensation. She is continuously having acupuncture treatments for other health issues. Cozy Acupuncture in Salem, MA specializes in Pain Management. If you are suffering from pain or tingling sensation in your thigh, we're here for you! Call Today to make an appointment: 617-584-8703 or Book now Online.
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