Neck pain is a common symptom in acupuncture clinic, but in the case that there is radiation to other parts of the body, the condition is sometimes complicated. In this case, because of the recent onset, it took a relatively short time to heal. The patient is a 36 year-old woman presented with 3 weeks of pain and tingling sensation from her neck to her right arm, fingers, chest and upper back. She wakes up every 2 hours due to burning pain. She had 3 acupuncture treatments within 11 days, and pain and tingling sensation in her neck, arm, fingers, chest and upper back disappeared. Acupuncture Treatment Detail The acupuncture treatment is based on Acupuncture Treatment for Adult. [Treatment 1] When I asked her to move her neck, she felt pain inside her shoulder blade when she bent her neck backward and also felt pain in her right shoulder when she bent her neck forward. Fig. 1 shows the painful points with pressure on her body when I checked her body during diagnosis. The treatment included strengthening Liver energy, leaving 3 needles on her head for 10 minutes and touching some points with a round-tip needle to remove the painful points with pressure. After the treatment, her painful points disappeared. [Treatment 2] She reported that the next day of the first treatment she felt pain, but since then there was neither pain or tingling sensation. There was no pain in her back and right shoulder when she bent her neck forward and backward. The treatment was similar to the first treatment, but much fewer acupuncture points were used to remove the painful points. [Treatment 3] She reported that she felt tingling sensation once, but other than that, there was no pain. On this day, she had headache on her right temple and back of her head. She said that she maybe drank too much wine last night and she had had migraine headache occasionally. Fig. 2 shows the painful points with pressure on her body before Treatment 3. The number of painful points decreased considerably, compared to Treatment 1 (Fig. 1). Maybe because of headache, I strengthened Spleen energy instead of Liver energy. The treatment for the pain was similar to the previous treatment. After the treatment, there was no abnormality in her neck and headache also disappeared, so the course of acupuncture treatments for pain and tingling sensation from her right neck to arm, fingers, chest and upper back was finished.
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