In this season, there would be a lot of people who have a cold. Patients with high fever usually don’t visit an acupuncture clinic, but patients with other cold related symptoms often visit acupuncture clinic. Among those symptoms, there are a lot of patients with cough and cough is sometimes difficult to treat. Overview The patient is a woman with the age of 60s. A week ago, after she shoveled snow at the night of snow storm, her cold symptoms started. Cough started a day after shoveling and she lost voice the following day. Fever was around 100 degrees F. She coughed out yellow phlegm. She started taking antibiotics 2 days before visiting my clinic. She had more cough at night with phlegm, stuffy nose, clogged ears and pain in her ribs due to cough. I think that she sweat from shoveling and the sweat got cold making her body cold, and that weakened her Lung energy and she got cold symptoms. After 3 acupuncture treatments of strengthening her Lung energy and using cough points with 2 to 3 days interval, her cough disappeared. Acupuncture Treatment Detail [1st Treatment] After whole body treatment using non-insertion needles, I added heat therapy called moxa on her right cough point below the arm pit and points related to cold on her upper back, and I also attached a short needle on the right cough point like a sticker. At the end, I instructed her to lie on her side when she cough while she is sleeping and drink a cup of coffee when she cough to relax her throat. [2nd Treatment] 2 days after 1st treatment, she didn’t have cough at night and could sleep better, but still had cough when she moved her body or talked. Her nose was still stuffy. Her ears were less clogged. The treatment was similar to the previous one except that I did moxa on Lung points on her upper back instead of cold points. [3rd Treatment] 3 days after 2nd treatment, her cough decreased, but she still had cough when she moved her body and talked. Stuffy nose became runny nose. Her ears were completely opened. Her voice was back. The treatment was similar to the previous two treatments. There was no pain on the right cough point and there was pain on the left cough point, so I did moxa and attached a short needle on the left cough point. [Result] 1 week after 3rd treatment, she reported that right after the 2nd treatment, her cough was much less and the following day, all the symptoms disappeared including cough, runny nose and since her energy also came back, she cleaned her house. here to edit. Related article: [CASE] Cough After Bronchitis If Your Cough Continues For More Than 2 Weeks [CASE] Persistent Cough If you are suffering from cough now and live near Salem, MA, Cozy Acupuncture is here to help you. Call today to set up an appointment: 617-584-8703. or Book Online.
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