I think you have heard about Yin and Yang. In acupuncture treatment, it is necessary that Yin and Yang are used properly depending on the patient's condition. So what are Yin and Yang? The following is a part of my book, How to treat yourself at without medication. Part 2 Eastern MedicineOur body is filled with 2 types of energy which is Yin and Yang. Yin makes our body loose and cool. Yang makes our body firm and warm. If Yin is too much in your lower body, you feel cold in your lower body and you may have lower back pain. If Yang is too much in your chest, you feel hot in your chest and you may have palpitations. That is to say, the imbalance of these 2 kinds of energy in our body causes various diseases. Let’s take a look at what kind of disease occurs when an organ has an imbalance of energy. 2.1 Yin and Yang |
IchiroThis Blog is for a memo of my clinical realizations, information about health I have learned recently and update information. Archives
April 2024