Acupuncture is a medicine to regulate energy flow in our body. If energy reaches the place where you have pain or tightness, the pain or tightness will be relieved instantly. That is why acupuncture is interesting and mysterious. When I was treating a patient who had pain from right low back to right buttock and right thigh, after removing the painful points along the spine and right buttock, some painful points with pressure remained behind the hip joint and on the IT band. To remove the pain on these points, I decided to use an acupuncture point located on the side of the abdomen called GB-26. I located and touched GB-26 with a round-tip needle, and confirmed energy was coming to the painful points with my left hand. The pain along the IT band instantly disappeared, but the pain on the point behind the hip joint remained. I changed the location of the needle by 1 mm and asked the patient whether it was still painful or not, pressing the point. This time there was no pain. I took off the round-tip needle from GB-26 and then pressed the point again to confirm there was no pain. Only 1 mm difference of the location of the needle made the difference of whether the pain was able to be removed or not. This always happens, but the benefit of needleless acupuncture is easy to change the location of the needle without damaging the body because it is not inserted in the skin or muscles. Cozy Acupuncture is located in Witch City Mall in Salem, MA, specializing in pain management such as knee pain, low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, menstrual pain, etc.
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