Welcome to Cozy Acupuncture!Acupuncture is a form of medicine that stimulates specific spots with some tools (needles, dried herbs) to pull out the body’s self-healing power. The body’s self-healing power is produced by the internal medicine all we have in our body, but it is not used very well. Acupuncture tries to improve health issues by activating the internal medicine.
What is Cozy Acupuncture?Focus on Pain Relief
When you have pain such as knee pain, elbow pain or low back pain, there are usually painful spots around the diseased joint. For example, if you have knee pain, there are spots where you feel painful or tender when they are pressed around the knee. Our acupuncture treatment focus on relieving these pain and tenderness. Most of the painful spots you feel before the treatment disappear after the treatment, leading to improvement of the joint pain when you move the joint. I think that this kind of instant relief of the pain doesn’t happen in other treatment methods other than acupuncture. Gentle and Painless Acupuncture In some acupuncture treatments, thick needles are deeply inserted into the muscles. So acupuncture treatment usually seems painful. To tell you the truth, when I was an acupuncture school student, I was so afraid of having treatment by another student because I don't like PAIN. But since I studied Traditional Japanese acupuncture, I didn't need to be scared because the style of acupuncture used very thin needles with shallow insertion and/or just touching the skin gently. This completely changed my image to acupuncture and just gave me very comfortable experience! Then this experience leaded me to apprenticing with a master of this style of acupuncture for 5 years (not just took weekend courses!). In Cozy Acupuncture, as the name says, we give you cozy experience of acupuncture, using finest needles made in Japan and round tip needle-like-tools with gentle technique. Even if you are afraid of needles which are very thin, you don't need to worry about the treatment because I actually treat most patients only with round tip needle-like- tools. Cozy Acupuncture provides pain-free acupuncture treatment which makes you completely relax during the treatment. |
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Main Treatment Courses
Acupuncture for AdultsAcupuncture for adults is whole body treatment including the treatment on the front, back and in sitting position which treats the root cause of disease while also effectively treating the immediate symptoms such as PAIN.
Acupuncture for KidsAcupuncture for children is very gentle and painless. It does not involve with needles puncturing the skin, but gently touches and taps different parts of the body including hair, upper back, stomach, forearms and legs with a round-tip needle. Click here to watch children's treatment.
Facial RejuvenationFacial Rejuvenation Acupuncture activates the flow of lymph and blood in the face by the stimulation of acupuncture points on the face with thin hair-line needles. Activating the flow of lymph and muscles which have not been used with age makes the face look younger.