Welcome to Cozy Acupuncture!Acupuncture is a form of medicine that stimulates specific spots with some tools (needles, dried herbs) to pull out the body’s self-healing power. The body’s self-healing power is produced by the internal medicine all we have in our body, but it is not used very well. Acupuncture tries to improve health issues by activating the internal medicine.
In Cozy Acupuncture we pursue to stimulate your internal medicine in a more comfortable way. Gentle Yet Powerful Painless-Acupuncture!In some acupuncture treatments, thick needles are deeply inserted into the muscles. So acupuncture treatment usually seems painful.
To tell you the truth, when I was an acupuncture school student, I was so afraid of having treatment by another student because I don't like PAIN. But since I studied Traditional Japanese acupuncture, I didn't need to be scared because the style of acupuncture used very thin needles with shallow insertion and/or just touching the skin gently. This completely changed my image to acupuncture and just gave me very comfortable experience! Then this experience leaded me to apprenticing with a master of this style of acupuncture for 5 years (not just took courses!). In Cozy Acupuncture, as the name says, we give you cozy experience of acupuncture, using finest needles made in Japan and round tip needles with gentle technique. So the treatment is pain-free and you can completely relax during the treatment. Pain-Free Acupuncture for Children!Japanese style Acupuncture for children is very gentle and painless. It does not involve with needles puncturing the skin. It is usually involved with touching and tapping different parts of the body including usually hair, upper back, stomach, forearms and legs with a round-tip needle.
If the parents try not to use a lot of medications for the children, this is an ideal form of treatment and preventive. The treatment fee of Pediatric Acupuncture is: $20 (0-6 years old) and $25 (7-10 years old). Who is Cozy Acupuncture for?
For questions: 617-584-8703 or [email protected]
Recent Blog Posts
This video was taken when I went back to Japan. The contents are the treatments of my nephews who are both 4 years old.
This is a part of Individual Acupuncture Treatment for the neck, shoulder and upper back.
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