Stress Relief AcupunctureEveryone has stress at certain level. Some people responses to the stress, leading to drinking a lot, eating a lot, buying things they don’t even want. In the worst case, the stress results in serious diseases.
Acupuncture treatments helps you reduce your stress regardless it is long-term stress or in-the-moment stress. How does acupuncture work for reducing stress? When you are in a stressful condition, your sympathetic nerve (Stress Nerve) is active, causing fast and tight pulse, tight muscles, emotionally unstable and sometimes digestive system doesn’t function well. On the contrary, when you are in a relaxed condition, your parasympathetic nerve (Relax Nerve) is active, causing slow and soft pulse, soft muscles, emotionally stable and digestive system function well. Basically acupuncture treatments lead to the condition that the parasympathetic nerve is active, relaxed condition. Stress Relief Acupuncture focuses on the stress reduction. In a private setting, you just need to lie flat on a table with needles at selected acupuncture points for stress relief. The treatment is 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your schedule. |
Cozy Acupuncture
A Sacred Place Wellness Center Witch City Mall #112 Salem, MA 01970 For questions: 617-584-8703 or [email protected]